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Bengali US Marine/US Citizen AMA

If you were asking me back in pre 2017, hell yeah, just to get some action. but after I got out I got new priorities.
war in Syria is a mistake, we should ally with Russia imo, post Putin maybe its possible.
war in Syria is a mistake, we should ally with Russia imo, post Putin maybe its possible.
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.
What’s your opinion about the Afghan War? Do you think it was worth going in?
yes and no, the USA got alot of great combat exp from those wars and we developed our tactics etc. and we got Bin Laden. but as far as nation building, it was a failure. we should have been pulling out after we killed Bin Laden.
Spent 9 months in and out of Bagram. I was a tech and made sure all the radios were connected. I was mostly on base fixing broken radios, most cool thing I did in afghan was working at a remote retrans site, we got fired on a couple of times fired back (mostly on convoys). fortunately I never got hit with an IED. Not sure if I ever personally killed anyone.
Feels Amazing man.
as far as drop weapons, they are technically against the UCMJ. But I never saw anyone use it or saw any drop weapons in general.
Unfortunately the only thing I got back was some clothes and DVDs.
If we did have drop weapons they were well hidden.

I'm not, I have Muslim friends. Just dont be a dick imo. My best friend is a Bangladeshi Muslim. I walk past a mosque omw to the GYM and they always think that I'm Muslim cause I let my beard grow. not a big fan of bigotry or prejudice.
If you were on Bagram, Leathernet, or any other big base, and especially not a grunt, then the deployment is a Vacation with a good paycheck. AC/ Full bed, laundry service. Food was 24/7, better than actually chow hall food in the US. No garrison rules, regulation, or other BS. I even heard some of you Fuckers were getting massages and getting laid by these massage parlor independent contractor girls.
it was a vacation, I spent most of my job in an air conditioned building. Its a job that needs to be done Ill do it. BTW best coffee in Afghan. The massage guys left6 right before I got there though :(.
when I was in I wanted to deploy as much as I could. Since then I got into geopolitics alot and have made up my own mind.
Citizenship/Status/Economic opportunities honestly. My dad could get much more for his worth here than in BD. Even though we could have been a very rich man in BD as well. We are rich but middle and upper middle class in the USA, We are considered very rich in BD. Lets just put it this way, I make over 50k solely from my investments alone, mine personally, not my family.
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.
I thank you for your service. Good to see you here
Glad to see you post after a long time. Hope everything is well.
well, hello there! yes, it's been a while. I do miss the old crowd. Not sure what happened to MuradK if you remember him. I know he had some health issues, but I thought he was OK now. Do you know?
I come from a Hindu Family from Bangladesh, My father was a Mukti Bahini cadre in 1971. We came to the USA and became citizens. I have family in India. I also served in the Marines and I deployed to Afghan in 2011-2012. feel free to AMA.
Welcome sir. What was your MOS in the Marine Corps. I have great admiration for Marine aviators, some of the best pilots I have interacted with.

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