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Pakistan Navy Chief Desires a Nuclear Submarine to restore Balance of Power in the region

@Joe Shearer

Listen, you can laugh at my posts all you want. Nobody cares what some Indian thinks.

Just because you are part of Think Tank or Professionals criteria. lol.
Despite the Pakistan Navy always getting the smallest portion of the budget (this year merely 680 million dollars), it has always striven to modernize into a potent force. These efforts have also been acknowledged by the Indian Navy.

We need to restore the balance of development.

This is all hoopla to sneak funding for DHAs and Papa John's.

Yes that's what they told Libya

Libya is more developed than Pakistan

We need both.

No we need political and economic stability. Not this.
What a terribly unintelligent observation - in the context of Pakistan, at least. Haven't you heard this one, or was it before your time?

"We(Pakistan) will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own

Its not comparable, for one thing, an SSN is not a do or die necessity. secondly, an SSN is incredibly complex, the nuclear bomb in that context, is much easier, SSNs were tricky for China, and India only got there after many years and soviet and Russian help. Its very difficult to miniaturize the reactor, create enough power, make it safe, long lasting and and make it quiet. Not to mention all the other infrastructure required to support and maintain the SSN.
Well, clearly there is an economic case.

There are millions of Indians on their knees hoping and praying that you will act on this meticulously prepared data.

Why not both?

I suspect you may be quite out of your depth here.

Wait for the post that says that if miniaturised nuclear reactors cannot be built immediately, a hull should be designed around a normal-sized reactor.

as distinct from the hard-headed realism of this thread.

You know the funny thing is these idiots are barking up the wrong tree, there is no reason to design and build out a SSN from scratch to acquire second strike capability and other similar benifits..

If the intent is to acquire second strike capability or operate in deeper waters, and they are insistent on an SSN, the easiest thing to do with go down the Australia route, which is get a state that has SSNs and simply transfer it over. i.e. the Type 95 that China is set to deploy, come to a strategic arrangement where you get a couple of boats, it will be expensive, but still possible. But even that is completely unnecessary for second strike capability, they could go down the Israeli route of AIP boats, that are armed with nuclear weaponry like the Dakar class.

I agree Pakistan needs nuclear powered submarine for its defence and power projection however I think Pakistan should plan to develop various sub technologies required for this initiative but focus of fixing its system and economy first ...
Think of Pakistan as the West coast of the US and the coastline as the East coast, the Himalayas are the Rockies.

Pakistan would function as the “west coast” for more time sensitive goods to the MENA and Africa regions.

Any and all goods that have to go in between in a time sensitive or security sensitive nature could be carried overland, especially when sea control can not be ensured.
The difficulty with this is that little is coming in from MENA/Africa.
What like We make the funny section in R&AW or ORF’s morning briefs or something legit? Can I be quoted in StratNewsGlobal :)

I do notice some topic that get discussed on PDF end up in some vlogs, but what following does PDF actually have? Any nice legit think tanks?
I can tell you, but then I have to shoot you.

@Joe Shearer

Listen, you can laugh at my posts all you want. Nobody cares what some Indian thinks.

Just because you are part of Think Tank or Professionals criteria. lol.
Not meant to be hurtful.

I am sorry if your feelings were hurt. That was not the intention. Poking fun at some armchair punditry was an intention, and surely not to be wounding to the persons being made fun of. .
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This is true, but nuclear submarines are difficult, unless you are getting them from China straight up, no development required. Sea denial and second strike can be done with something like this.

Operating a nuclear submarine is expensive. It will take few hundred million in training and maintenance
We need to restore the balance of development.

This is all hoopla to sneak funding for DHAs and Papa John's.
you are confusing the navy with army. they have their own shortcomings, true, but they arent overinvolved in all things non-military like the army.
So we dont have money to run the country beyond a month without foreign assistance and we are talking about nuke sub.... seriously? :lol: :lol: :lol:
The gap or balance of power does not equalize with weapons and from here on the gap will only increase. Theya re on course to be 5 trillion economy and we are going backwards...
Who will tell these babus that buying weapons will get you nothing if you have a sinking economy!
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So we dont have money to run the country beyond a month without foreign assistence and we are talking about nuke sub.... seriously? :lol: :lol: :lol:
The gap or balance of power does not equalize with weapons and from here on the gap will only increase. Theya re on course to be 5 trillion economy and we are going backwards...
Who will tell these babus that buying weapons will get you nothing if you have a sinking economy!

seriously with nukes and bad economy I am not sure why there is a large standing army
Ghauri and Ghaznavis are easy game for the MRSAM/Barak 8 batteries. 15 squadrons of Barak-8 has made us almost immune to the threat of Pakistani TBM. Shaheen-1 can be intercepted too. AD-1 BMD interceptors and 48N6E and 40N6DM of the S-400 family can intercept the Shaheen2/3 and Ababeels
I want whatever you are smoking. Your S-400 can be easily overwhelmed by a barrage of Ghauris and Ghaznavis.

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