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Argentina's "Trump" Milei wins presidential election


Jun 7, 2011
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A big show will start in Argentina. Argentina will teach the world a good lesson by sacrificing itself.


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Argentina's "Trump"​

Is the right way to adress this fella :D
honestly you have to give trump props for popularizing his way of running for presidency as everyone is trying to copy his style now.
and people being sheep easily fall for it.
Funny thing about this whole circus is that non of these (right wing,based no nonsense) presidents is that as soon as they come into power they do the absolute opposite of what they used to preach in their campigen slogans.

It will be interesting to see how he tried to fix the economy. The difficulties will be a lesson for the world not to let the problem get so bad and what can be realistically achieved and at what costs.

I think he will be looking at the Greek example, to see what is possible and what amount of debt will seek to have written off after doing everything possible rebalancing the budget (cutting social spending and repaying debts).

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Its easy to be a popular 'hero' of the people during campaign because you have to only point out what is wrong - something people already know, but give it a sensational spin like promise to blow up the central bank.

Its quite another now that he has won and has to actually *fix* shIt.
He is right on one thing. Comunismo es una mierda (Communism is shit). :sarcastic:

People are still trapped with the Cold War mentality.

Clouded by the name instead of looking at the mechanism.

This is probably one of the main reasons why so many countries are failing.

Because a name is not magic, but how you approach reality and come up with a solution and creativity to solve the problem is the real magic.

Argentina is a democracy and capitalist country.

And it's failing.

But you know we can't see it that way.
if this guy manages to put argentina economy back on track

what will chinese say

Because it is against the scientific laws, hence it is impossible.

Argentina is already broke, where is he going to find the USD?

The USD is not given for free.

A country without a viable currency is basically Zimbabwe.
if this guy manages to put argentina economy back on track

what will Chinese say

As long as he is willing to slash government spending, increase taxes, to bring the government budget to positive.

Relaxing labor law, reducing labor cost.

Supporting local industry and at the same time inviting foreign investors.

Focusing more on long term policy, despite in the short term it will bite current regime popularity.

All of them are bitter pills, but that is what Argentina should swallow.

Argentina needs a strong leadership.
This guy sounds like those zionist cockcuskcer who would sell their country for corporations.
Dunno why the right wingers are celebrating.

Most of the government officials around the world are not that good.

And Argentina is not China.

The ones who are doing the right thing are corporations (despite the fact that they do it for their own profit).

But corporations also bring benefit to workers (at least they have a job and source of income), and they also bring benefit to suppliers (small businesses).

Corporations are also paying taxes.
It seems that the Jews have become the scapegoat, blamed in every case. :rofl:
This guy literally fellates jew and he even converts him to Jewish, it's no friggin' joke.

Most of the government officials around the world are not that good.

And Argentina is not China.

The ones who are doing the right thing are corporations (despite the fact that they do it for their own profit).

But corporations also bring benefit to workers (at least they have a job and source of income), and they also bring benefit to suppliers (small businesses).

Corporations are also paying taxes.
Don't shill for corpos on my watch, bro.
Corpos are 100% soulless shit that need to be watched all the times, all the CEOs start to have Messiah complex the moment they get some money.

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