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Would The Friendship between China and Pakistan Last Forever ?

without disrespect ppl should know in english we say non muslim someone who is not a muslim in arab its called kafir this term is not derogatory it simply means "non muslim".

new wave i don't know where you got this information but here you go..
Word: Kuffar
Meaning: Kuffar is the plural of the word Kafir. It means non muslim

don't post something written by sofaid chamrey to define arab words/dictionary for arabs leave it arabs lol.
without disrespect ppl should know in english we say non muslim someone who is not a muslim in arab its called kafir this term is not derogatory it simply means "non muslim".

new wave i don't know where you got this information but here you go..
Word: Kuffar
Meaning: Kuffar is the plural of the word Kafir. It means non muslim

Thank you luftwaffe. Actually, most Chinese are kafir as well.
There is Halal Restaurants in every university in China,I love Halal Restaurants,the food is delicious~
Don't worry we respect Chinese as they are our brothers much closer than the modern day arabs..
but the fact is that they are kafirs.

Stop calling Chinese "Kuffar or kafir" keep that to yourself "only" damn it, i learn it in day one in our history class in Hongkong, its not a nice term for us atleast, just like the word "Chinaman" may be some of you thought its the same as "Englishmen", its not a proper word atall to Chinese, its highly offensive to us, so stop it !!
how can be china and Pakistan friend while Pakistan is an Muslim nation and how badly Muslim are living in china

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.china know well who to control his country.we have no busness what india china do with there own papulation.internal matter:D

I think he wants to create ethnic tension between the Han Chinese and the Muslim Chinese.

Another evil attempt to tarnish China's image among the Muslim people.
.china know well who to control his country.we have no busness what india china do with there own papulation.internal matter:D

oh now you caught with your big mouth

then why you cry when something happen in India

only Indian Muslim are your brother and Chinese Muslim are not your brother

Pakistan should not put its nose in Indian internal business you want to say that
anything anti-China or anti-Pakistan seems to be propaganda and planned by the west and anything anti-India is all true, double standards galore.

Chinese Pakistani friendship is strong for sure just like Indo-Russian. But friendships on a country basis are not out of love but based on other interest. China will not befriend anyone who does not benefit it in anyway just like any other country.
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