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Recent content by ApparentRaceTraitor

  1. ApparentRaceTraitor

    Ranked: The Cities With the Most Bubble Risk in Their Property Markets

    Well I would rather see a paradigm shift to a hybrid socio-capitalist economy where "endless growth" in share price, and continued profit margins year after year aren't the norm, but I guess the sad reality is we will continue to see the economy propped up on strengthening corporate profits...
  2. ApparentRaceTraitor

    Ranked: The Cities With the Most Bubble Risk in Their Property Markets

    Ofcourse Toronto and Vancouver are on the list, thank heavens I bought my home elsewhere. And now real estate agents are knocking on our doors everyday asking if we want to sell with all the Vancouverites and Torontonians moving here en masse. The problem with Canadian real estate is every...
  3. ApparentRaceTraitor

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Told my BIL he should be celebrating NL's win over BD, the lad said he doesn't have time for a boring baseball ripoff (in good jest ofcourse), so I called him a cultureless white twatwaffle (all in good jest ofcourse). Wife overheard the conversation, guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight...
  4. ApparentRaceTraitor

    What right did Britain had to grant someone els country to jews

    Wouldn't the other countries mentioned be as accountable then as Britain? I'm not looking at debating the consequences of past actions here, merely if it's right to just hold Britain solely accountable without holding the UN as well.
  5. ApparentRaceTraitor

    What right did Britain had to grant someone els country to jews

    Been reading into this, please correct me if I'm wrong, the British were in charge of administering the area but went to the UN in 47 asking them ro resolve the issue. It was the UNSCOP (United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) that proposed dividing the area which was accepted by the...
  6. ApparentRaceTraitor

    India may take Canada to FATF for inaction on Terror Funding

    Well said, but we shouldn't be in that position where to quote South Park, as have to choose between a douche and a turd sandwich. Vote bank politics will ruin us all. Both in Canada and India.
  7. ApparentRaceTraitor

    India may take Canada to FATF for inaction on Terror Funding

    Usually you'd find numerous cases like these in Brampton, Scarborough, Surrey or Milton. 4-5 international students (almost invariably desi) sharing a single room.....and surprise surprise the landlord is almost always desi as well. A ton of franchises owned by desis almost always employ desis...
  8. ApparentRaceTraitor

    India may take Canada to FATF for inaction on Terror Funding

    In a perfect world none of the three would be let anywhere against politics JT - spoiled drama teacher (legit) and Mr Blackface. I'm a left leaning person, beyond liberal in my outlook, support the LGB part of LGBT2QBS, but even I hate that smug arrogant twat. A huge portion of Canada hates...
  9. ApparentRaceTraitor

    India may take Canada to FATF for inaction on Terror Funding

    Oh noez, does this mean our overlords...uhhhh I mean corporations will find it even harder to find brown people willing to keep our minimum wage flat and live 10 people to an apartment? Won't someone think of the shareholders and landlords?!?!?!
  10. ApparentRaceTraitor

    Canada's Trudeau not ready to accept U.S. finding that Palestinian militants' rocket was behind Gaza hospital blast

    Ouch. Not all of us voted for that woke twatwaffle. Most of us don't give 2 loonies about what is happening on the other side of the world.
  11. ApparentRaceTraitor

    Canadian Sikh's Murder: How Long Will Modi Continue to Escape Accountability?

    You overestimate Canada's influence and our corporations' thirst for cheap pliable brown people to engage in slave...oops I mean minimum wage labor.
  12. ApparentRaceTraitor

    ‘Sir, the Hatch Is Open’: How To Sink A $3 Billion Dollar Submarine

    Tell me you get your news from internet explorer without telling me you get your news from internet explorer...
  13. ApparentRaceTraitor

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    No worries bud, no offense taken. Always good to pass on knowledge than keep it to yourself.
  14. ApparentRaceTraitor

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    No one denies it bud. Not sure what you were attempting to get at with this though without context from your end.
  15. ApparentRaceTraitor

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Indifferent to the Zionist claim. However he is not a pig. Pigs are useful and, (no offense intended) as delicious as beef when cooked right as long as you're allowed to consume it. And as far as the rest of your comment goes, that is your opinion, and I respect that. I'll just say we will...
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