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  1. Comrade

    I need the video of Mr Arnab Goswami breaking the news of su30mki being shot down by f16s

    Ok in a keyboard war a fellow was asking for a link... thank you Ok Ok Thank you sir for clearing it up i thought it was Arnab Goswami since they are both almost same looking.
  2. Comrade

    I need the video of Mr Arnab Goswami breaking the news of su30mki being shot down by f16s

    After an extensive search i cannot find this video where Mr Arnab Goswami breaks the news of su30mki being shot down by PAF f16s. Now Indian infestation on youtube is at a level that they delete such videos. its not available anywhere. please help me find it.
  3. Comrade

    Why Pakistan is not a walkover

    1971 was planned by British in 1947,bangladesh was included in Pakistan to be separated in future so so first watch world map and then talk....
  4. Comrade

    Why Pakistan is not a walkover

    Don't be stupid Marde mujahid is Pakistan's real WMD and real weapon, can you buy Rafael or JSF or SU 57 or S 500 no never so stop attacking Islam indirectly we did it with 80s acquired f16s in February this year and we can do it again so shut up. We need Mujahids first and weapons later on....
  5. Comrade

    The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

    The sole purpose of getting these Mirages is for Mirage rebuild factory MRF and secondly that PAC nor PAF can afford to lose a JF17 in a deep strike role as a deep striking plane is always vulnerable to be shot down by both air and specially ground air defense systems hence the strategy is to...
  6. Comrade

    Mujahideen e Aflak ko Salam - Tribute to the heroes of Operation Swift Retort

    Unless you are shown plane wreckage like Mig21 on the ground and pilot captured and seen on national TV don't believe on any thing else. So both Su30mki kill and F 16 kills are nothing else but false claims, like they say. Truth is the first casualty in a war...... Don't take these tweets...
  7. Comrade

    Mujahideen e Aflak ko Salam - Tribute to the heroes of Operation Swift Retort

    Now tell me isn't the quality of the show up to the mark? The people who were complaining about PTV's broadcast should shut now watch the trailers exceptional sound and picture quality.
  8. Comrade

    List of Air-to-Air missiles of Pak Air Force

    What about Pl-15 is it a myth or reality?
  9. Comrade

    Would conversion of C-130 into REK bomb truck help PAF strategic bombing?

    With a radar cross section RCS of a gaint tank flying in the air the C130 can't be used for any offensive rules the indian airborne early warning system can see it even if its flying in Balochistan so stop this its a transport plane nothing else....
  10. Comrade

    Mujahideen e Aflak ko Salam - Tribute to the heroes of Operation Swift Retort

    I am talking about PTV what I mean is that they have got all the best tools and infrastructure not available to private channels but they can't use it for good results just like wapda and PIA is unable to make use of the best resources available to them...... Do visit PTV's headquarters in...
  11. Comrade

    What role MOAB has Pakistan's Defence?

    No when the enemy is in Battlefield range of 60kms NASR will be used as dictates cold sstart doctrine pak army's agenda will be to use it long before crossing the borders, its to create a nuclear radio active zone where no one can dare to cross it......some crossing tanks with radio active...
  12. Comrade

    Mujahideen e Aflak ko Salam - Tribute to the heroes of Operation Swift Retort

    The reason is simply because its a government organization just like wapda and PIA
  13. Comrade

    Mujahideen e Aflak ko Salam - Tribute to the heroes of Operation Swift Retort

    dear the reason could be some thing else believe me they have got the best gears then any private channels.
  14. Comrade

    Mujahideen e Aflak ko Salam - Tribute to the heroes of Operation Swift Retort

    Who told you that, PTV has the best infrastructure in the industry ffom technical to infrastructure.....
  15. Comrade

    Amid Kashmir Tension PLAAF and PLA Increasing Their Presence Nearby.

    Oh and Modi told that through whatsapp......
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