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Recent content by Darius77

  1. Darius77

    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    RUBBISH, you IGNORANT fool. The Slavic Orthodox are killing each other at the highest rate since 2014 at another Jew fanned war in so-called Ukraine. A million Slavic people may have died in Kievan-Rus, we will never know. If you keep kissing Jew arse you sewer rats are next. Kapeesh.
  2. Darius77

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The Zionist roaches squatting in Arab Palestine are an extension of the western racist imperialists. It is just an outpost since 1948, primarily created to protect western energy interests and plunder of Arab resources. The Zionist cowardly bastards could not even face a few Palestinian...
  3. Darius77

    Is Islamophobia Shaping US Policy in Middle East and South Asia?

    I would agree with that. Most western nations have good institutions and civil rights. That is why there have been so many mass rallies for Palestine, while in puppet Muslim and Arab states they are banned and worse suppressed.
  4. Darius77

    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    Hindus are just arselicking peons, the Jews are evil with a very firm hold on western brainwashed morons who are fed Zionist propaganda 24/7. However, this holocaust of Palestine is slowly but surely turning western younger people against the evil bastards. Hindus, I would not worry about too...
  5. Darius77

    Is Islamophobia Shaping US Policy in Middle East and South Asia?

    A former Zionist adviser to Barack Obama, Stuart Seldowitz’s tirade against a struggling Egyptian immigrant street vendor spouting Islamophobic hate with impunity and yelling that killing 4,000 Palestinian children “wasn't enough” during a racist and Islamophobic rant .
  6. Darius77

    Pakistan officially applies for BRICS in 2024

    Hopefully, the corrupt generals checked with the desk receptionist at the CIA station at the US 'embassy" in Islamabad, or else like Imran Khan they will end up in Attock Fort basement dungeons.
  7. Darius77

    Hamas announces 4 day truce, prisoner exchange deal

    I only wish the Muslims clean out the Hindu fecal material. That time is coming though, just look around, every one of your neighbors from China, Pakistan, Nepal to Bangladesh hate you street crappers. If Pakistan had a decent government, they should arm every Kashmiri and Muslim in India and...
  8. Darius77

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    These hasbara Zionist bastards should be banned. Even MSM has started banning their lies and inciteful hatefilled propagada. Even school kids now give them the finger.
  9. Darius77

    Hamas announces 4 day truce, prisoner exchange deal

    Your Zionist masters were killing Palestinian women and children both in Gaza and Occupied Palestine every day anyway and the Palestinians finally had enough and hit back. The Zionist scum can only kill unarmed babies, woman and children but can never erase Palestine, which is now the number one...
  10. Darius77

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    These pathetic Zionist child killing bastards have proven to be the worst inept morons on the planet, despite over $2.7 TRILLION in US taxpayers money and weapons since 1948. The cowardly scum can't even subdue just a few Nike and Adidas wearing Palestinian FREEDOM FIGHTERS armed with nothing...
  11. Darius77

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The Zionist child killing animals can't even pronounce KHAMAS, KHIZBOLLAH & KHOUTIS lol, and we are supposed to believe their pathetic propaganda. The latest misadventures adventures of IDF armored vehicles during urban fighting in Gaza on video from Hamas released today. As before, the...
  12. Darius77

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    U.S. Destroyer Used SM-2s to Down 3 Land Attack Missiles Launched from Yemen, Says Pentagon
  13. Darius77

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    US is using “Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) batteries to down Yemeni ballistic missiles and Patriots. The Wall Street Journal reported on October 24 that the THAAD battery will be deployed in Saudi Arabia to intercept missiles and drones launched from Yemen in support of Palestinians.
  14. Darius77

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    From kindergarten to year 12, students rally in CBD to support Palestine By Emma Koehn and Annie Holland November 23, 2023 — 5.20pm https://www.smh.com.au/national/victoria/from-kindergarten-to-year-12-students-rally-in-cbd-to-support-palestine-20231122-p5em1a.html
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