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Recent content by firohot4321

  1. F

    Pakistan secures two-year extension in Marine Mammal Protection Act exemption period

    Dolphins and whales other then intelligent and part of natural balance Are also eco tourism attraction so can make in this way
  2. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Yup he started as a Turkic slave then became king of Persian empire Aka Napoleon of East
  3. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Returned when they submitted to British rule Those who didn't were outlaws and in hiding during British time like Api faqer Since u had yr lands so has submitted
  4. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Show the snap shot of the piece where I degraded Ahmed shah don't make up lies :) You first said you were of proper kpk which was under proper british control not fata And even if of fata remember poltical agents system They used level homes whole villages who fought against the empire and...
  5. F

    Chinese Warships in Karachi Causing Constipation to Indians

    Article itself says this was for exercises All countries send their equpment men for such exercises Why indians make such fuss Talk about their RR habbit
  6. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Where did I bad mouthed Ahmed Shah show the clip I said he started as tax collector of nadir and became king of afg He wasn't born in royalty but made himself a king .that's praise but some one like you just clings onto glory of othrs past ans think yr self to he entitled to their achievements...
  7. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    My my looks like this afg*do got rabid You fought British and still hold on to lands in kpk during their 100s yr rule of kpk plus 30 yr rule of Sikhs Are you high on donkey dong or don't know basic history people served in British Indians army and burucary both from Punjab and kpk chimp Do...
  8. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    My My most visits were to kpk and punjab regions
  9. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Looks like I stepped on an afg*do tail Fyi Imran khan niazi family also don't speak Pashto but afg*do like you were l8ck8ng his feet that he should care about his Afghan brothers Talk about you bigots changing daddy when it suits As for being savage monkey I wasn't pointing to yr blonde looks...
  10. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Not all pashton are backward I have lived in kpk there are many moderates Whose primary concern is providing for their families and doing regular honest jobs yes bad apples are there and amplified because of current geopolitical situation
  11. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Says the loser who even today feels a marginalised b*tch and cries about it And only consolidation he has is to take credit for the wars and lands my forefathers won that's why I and my kin have agricultural lands in Punjab Talk about daddy issue looks like u really are a product of Russian or...
  12. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Stop barking u dumb ape 1818 Sikhs conquered Peshawar and whole of kpk 1849 british took over kpk by defeating Sikhs So congratulations Sikhs only ruled you for 31 years then British took over You claim to be Muslim but can't speak Arabic so! Race is from blood not language a sanghi can learn...
  13. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Says the dumb arse whose forefather were under turks mongol mughals Persian rule for centuries who if lives in kpk was for 100 yr subservient to Sikhs then brits And if is afghani may be a product of Russian night raids or USA village visits And takes credits for victories and rules which...
  14. F

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    Again with fake racist superiority bs The Turks were your kings like they were of here so you were fighting for them like many people of western Punjab did in alliance for them Yousafuzai migrated east and left rule of Afghanistan to turks ??? As you said sonny lol they were kicked out by...
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