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  1. I

    Pakistan Stands With Palestine...Acknowledged !

    As sad and as heartbreaking the situation is in Gaza, there's nothing Pakistan can do. You have countries like Egypt and Jordan that have way more involvement and they're not doing anything. But I'm glad that Pakistani ambassadors raised his voice and in the manner that he did. I know a lot...
  2. I

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Enjoy your bath.
  3. I

    Pakistani F-16 "Engaged" One Of The MH-47G Chinooks Three Times During Bin Laden Raid

    Can’t believe that it’s been ten years. Won’t lie that it was a very embarrassing day for most of the Pakistanis living in America. Would also call it a shameful and embarrassing day for Pakistani govt and the military as well. having said that, all these theories of whether obl was killed or...
  4. I

    Huzb ul Ahrar Confirms Death of 15 of its Terrorists in Afghanistan including 6 Top Commanders

    So, we didn’t bring to justice the murderer of 120 children. We set him free with his family to Turkey for giving up terrorist locations in Afghanistan. And we should feel proud of that? We treat our livings worse than stray dogs, that is well known, but now we’re known to disrespect our...
  5. I

    Iran vows 'harsher revenge soon' after missile attack on US troops

    You’re absolutely right. Though in defense of Pakistan I would say that in 2001 the US was a fire breathing dragon that wanted to incinerate anything in its path so I could understand Pakistan surrendering its bases. But ten years later in 2011 when the US was fed up of the wars in Afghanistan...
  6. I

    Breaking: US Joint Staff Chairman Gen Milley and DefSec Esper believe Iran targeted American lives

    Looks like trump got scared. What happened to targeting the cultural sites if Iran retaliated in any way or form?
  7. I

    Iran refuses to hand over crashed Ukrainian Boeing 737's black box

    Boeing is known to have issues with their 737 max jets and were forced to ground their Entire fleet of the 737 last year. Chances are the jet went down due to its faulty engine or it could be an accidental Iranian missile hit. Either way Boeing must be glad that Iran won’t share the Blackbox...
  8. I

    LIVE | PM Imran Khan Historic Speech at United Nations

    The “trees getting killed” comment really struck a chord with the crowd. A Large applaud erupted when IK said that. Modi and his team must have been on fire when they saw and heard that.
  9. I

    President Trump Giving Shocks to Bharatis on Monday After Modi's Houston Circus

    I think this time around both Pakistanis and Indian-Americans are gonna vote for Trump. You gotta give it to trump though for as much of a baffoon as he appears to be he’s quiet the manipulator. Lmao.
  10. I

    Pakistan declines India's request to allow PM Narendra Modi's plane to fly through its airspace

    You haven’t been watching/listening to Haqeekat tv lately have you?
  11. I

    Monkey Parakash Captured

    Who wants to bet that Fazloo is a deep undercover raw agent.
  12. I

    (Live) Chandrayaan-2: India's historic moon mission lost its communication-Mission Failed

    Is it possible that the ISI or China may have sabotaged the mission? I.e a computer virus secretly uploaded which kicked in in the last few seconds compromising the mission. India needs to explore every possibility.
  13. I

    (Live) Chandrayaan-2: India's historic moon mission lost its communication-Mission Failed

    I have feeling this attempted lunar landing was nothing more then a political stunt and a statement designed to get the world to notice them. They were gonna make many points with it including maligning Pakistan, putting themselves as equals to China, changing the world opinion and views about...
  14. I

    (Live) Chandrayaan-2: India's historic moon mission lost its communication-Mission Failed

    And the people of the moon are filling a law suit against India for dumping their garbage on them.
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