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Recent content by kankan326

  1. kankan326

    Chinese robot dog maker Unitree is likely to become another DJI

    I saw a video that shows Boston Dyamics robot moves are fake. Those moves are CG effects.
  2. kankan326

    Chinese robot dog maker Unitree is likely to become another DJI

    DJI+Unitree. Chinese products will dominate all war fields in the future
  3. kankan326

    Argentina's "Trump" Milei wins presidential election

    What is the problem if he wants to destroy Argentina? The media is under US control anyway. Ever thought the possibility that he is Zelensky2.0? Who sold his country to US at any cost? Both of them are CIA's puppets.
  4. kankan326

    Argentina's "Trump" Milei wins presidential election

    He is probably backed by CIA. Which will make him fearless. And this guy was a rock star. I'm not sure but I know big part of rock stars have using drug history. I'm not confident to his rationality.
  5. kankan326

    Why overpopulation fears haven't come true

    Modern medicine and modern lifestyle. You either have both or you have none. Otherwise overpopulation is inevitable. Too bad in most regions, they have modern medicine and traditional lifestyles. More countries will build great walls to prevent unstoppable illegal imigrants in the next decades.
  6. kankan326

    Why overpopulation fears haven't come true

    Check what happened in Egypt
  7. kankan326

    Despite India’s low ranking in the Global Hunger Index, Modi government is hesitant to address the issue

    Because of west sanction, China didn't have the technology to produce a type of steel cylinder that can withstand high pressure. This steel cylinder can be used to produce submarine. It is also indispensable for producing ammonia. Which is the basic material of chemical fertiliser. In Mao's...
  8. kankan326

    Argentina's "Trump" Milei wins presidential election

    A big show will start in Argentina. Argentina will teach the world a good lesson by sacrificing itself. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-67470549
  9. kankan326

    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    Good excuse to attribute others' acheivements to a result of riding roughshod. Be happy to stay poor for ever. No. He didn't. He never held any hope to India. He said no one can change India
  10. kankan326

    India's GDP crosses $4 trillion for the first time, ranks fourth worldwide

    This is how Shanghai looked like in 2007. When China's GDP is about $3.5T. GDP can not measure a country's real development level.
  11. kankan326

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    Firstly you may not know Hu Shi's reputation has been ruined in China now. We see him as an overrated hypocrite. Secondly Buddhism didn't play a positive role in China's history. Monks were regarded as parasites who didn't engage in social work. And Buddhism's philosophy is full of garbages from...
  12. kankan326

    Vietnam copies China island building

    Wrong. Vietnam has been building islands in SCS for decades(even earlier than China). Just in a very inefficient way. Because Vietnam doesn't have the technologies and equipment China has.
  13. kankan326

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    Science and technology don't belong to any culture. It has been proven that Confucianism societies perfectly match science and technology
  14. kankan326

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    In most cases, the realities are dull, plain and of no fantacy. In ancient time, people believed moon must be a beatiful place. Now we know it's not. We have got to accept this fact. Do not use modern geography to explain ancient things. There were no clear lines between different states in sub...
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