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Recent content by karmaa

  1. K

    Bangladeshis love to dress up as Buddhist Monks

    Bangladesh is not switzerland ,crorers of people live below poverty line ,India is easiest to go , they cross over inside India they get bread and butter which they ate unable to get in the bangladesh .
  2. K

    India's 'Solo' Host ICC Worldcup 2023 Fully exposed Postmortem Report | The Game marred with Politics, Mismanagement, No-visas, Tempered pitches, Bias

    only pakistanis are complaining and crying because they were no where in the picture , even Afghanistan played better . Everything was of international standards .
  3. K

    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    Athiest are right .
  4. K

    India's 'Solo' Host ICC Worldcup 2023 Fully exposed Postmortem Report | The Game marred with Politics, Mismanagement, No-visas, Tempered pitches, Bias

    After winning ten matches with clear cut superiority there is nothing much to say .pakistan lost badly so they proved what they are .
  5. K

    Escape Indians Are Third Largest Illegal Nationals in USA.

    Indians are most suitable people for American society .
  6. K

    US lawmakers seek ‘suspension’ of assistance to Pakistan

    Na khuda mila na visale sanam .
  7. K

    Escape Indians Are Third Largest Illegal Nationals in USA.

    more than 90 percent voted for separate nation , rioted , killed hindus just for separate country . Congress betrayed hindus and did not send muslims to pakistan .
  8. K

    Escape Indians Are Third Largest Illegal Nationals in USA.

    Muslims demanded separate nation , they got it , but did not go to pakistan . That is the problem .
  9. K

    Hamas announces 4 day truce, prisoner exchange deal

    Yes if they do not release all hostages .
  10. K

    The government of Uttar Pradesh in India has banned the production, storage, distribution, and sale of food products with the Halal certification

    This is human tendency to copy bad things , but we do not support lynching there is no blasphemy law in our hindu dharma .
  11. K

    Hamas announces 4 day truce, prisoner exchange deal

    Govt of india support palestine . We are under attack from radical islamic terrorism .
  12. K

    Escape Indians Are Third Largest Illegal Nationals in USA.

    Yes muslims got pakistan in 1947 as per their demand , but fooling hindus a large number of them did not go to muslim country .
  13. K

    The government of Uttar Pradesh in India has banned the production, storage, distribution, and sale of food products with the Halal certification

    This is new thing hindus learnt from muslims, they saw killing of hindus , christians for blasphemy .
  14. K

    Escape Indians Are Third Largest Illegal Nationals in USA.

    India was partitioned in 1947 because of two nation theory , muslim cant live in hindu country , but muslims did not go to their country pakistan , now it is a reason for backwardness of India .
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