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Recent content by Mav3rick

  1. Mav3rick

    PMLN Mehar Afzal Bharwana Ki Pitai

    I will go a step further and say that if if they are not imposed, they or their likes will win the elections. Most of the voters sell their votes for couple of meals or a few thousand rupees etc. Many sell their votes for jobs or for other commitments or personal interests etc. The entire system...
  2. Mav3rick

    PMLN Mehar Afzal Bharwana Ki Pitai

    Can't blame him/them really, this is what our damned political development has groomed over the years, turn-coats, sellouts, incompetent, corrupt assholes!! Most others too would try to do the same!
  3. Mav3rick

    PMLN Mehar Afzal Bharwana Ki Pitai

    What will this achieve? Will the politician learn and become honest and faithful to his/her voters? The best revenge is to not cast vote to politicians who do not serve the nation. But the dilemma is, who has served the nation ever? and so whom to vote for? The lesser of the evils or just stay...
  4. Mav3rick

    How will we know that India is about to attack

    So you had no stats right? Nothing to actually predict that Pakistan can go to war against India and come out a winner. And why do some of you always dream of war and destruction? Why not diplomacy and constructive co-existence for a change?
  5. Mav3rick

    How will we know that India is about to attack

    Where do you people come from? I mean which planet? In your mind, which stats suggests that Pakistan is in any position to attack and win over India?
  6. Mav3rick

    How will we know that India is about to attack

    The day I become the PM, especially riding on the higher moral horse and by selling myself as the most pious and righteous, then yes, do indeed hold me to the same justice! I disgust you not because I write the truth but because you are infatuated with a bigot and a munafiq who you idolize and...
  7. Mav3rick

    Daronomics was actually Nawazonomics from Day 1

    Well, although it is insane to suggest that the USD would have come down but it could have been maintained somewhere in the vicinity of 110; especially had the 2nd phase of the plan allowed to kick in which was FDI (especially in car, mobile etc., manufacturing and production) and export...
  8. Mav3rick

    How will we know that India is about to attack

    Thanks for writing a detailed, logical response. While I read it with interest, I could not help but notice that you might have only come to terms of the lawlessness of our country quite recently whereas being in my mid 40's, I have been witnessing law being trampled by individuals...
  9. Mav3rick

    How will we know that India is about to attack

    Once a retard, always a retard. Only a retard can write what you continuously do, nonsense and flying all over the place.
  10. Mav3rick

    How will we know that India is about to attack

    Exactly, India would not want to squander her development and the momentum she has financially and economically. War, regardless of its scale, has far reaching implications. The first would be a total drop in FDI, pulling of resources by international investors and conglomerates etc. and then...
  11. Mav3rick

    How will we know that India is about to attack

    Precisely, it's a lawless country because Imran Khan has had to face court cases whereas he should be exempt from accountability and justice. What insane logic and what blind following!!
  12. Mav3rick

    Pakistan's Actual status : Why Khan was really kicked out and their backers

    There was another scheme, or maybe it was for the same Yellow Cab project, that imports were allowed duty free for about 20-22 days. In those 20-22 days a lot of Mercedes's and BMW's were also cleared duty free. Baap ka raaj hai bhai in logon ka.
  13. Mav3rick

    Pakistan's Actual status : Why Khan was really kicked out and their backers

    That was a bad one, the idea was quite good but either the intention was not right or the execution was severely flawed (most likely the intention was not right). Almost all the cabs ended up with private citizens who had no intention of driving cabs but rather to use the vehicles for personal...
  14. Mav3rick

    Pakistan's Actual status : Why Khan was really kicked out and their backers

    Stop bringing your father in our discussion. And if you are serious on the discussion, be civil and be sensible.
  15. Mav3rick

    Pakistan's Actual status : Why Khan was really kicked out and their backers

    And the fairies, don't forget the fairies and the castles!!
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