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Recent content by maxpayne

  1. maxpayne

    Taliban Capture Wakhan District

    What does this easy surrender means? One meaning might be that people were sick of previous govts injustice So much that They were willing to live under taliban rule rather than other unjust rulers. Time will tell...
  2. maxpayne

    Taliban Capture Wakhan District

    Seven and ever lasting In sha Allah
  3. maxpayne

    Big Military Turf War Explodes After CDS Bipin Rawat Call IAF Support Arm | Breaking News

    He is lying and giving the impression that Indian armed forces are weaker (less coordination)
  4. maxpayne

    After Covid-19, 'black fungus' robs many in India of their eyesight

    Nature retaliation over using pellet guns against Kashmiris.... May Allah give all of us guidance. Ameen
  5. maxpayne

    Atmaca Anti Ship Missile first live fire testing...

    Exocet mode of Launch is totally different. Anyways Lets agree to disagree..
  6. maxpayne

    Atmaca Anti Ship Missile first live fire testing...

    different In spec However, its canister/ launcher and missile body is exactly similar to harpoon
  7. maxpayne

    Atmaca Anti Ship Missile first live fire testing...

    Looks like a copy.of Harpoon
  8. maxpayne

    Indian Navy’s lone nuclear attack submarine heading back to Russia, next one to take five years

    you can do the Same using diesels just like Pakistan will do
  9. maxpayne

    Indian Navy’s lone nuclear attack submarine heading back to Russia, next one to take five years

    i Guess nuclear sub will be used against China. For Pakistan They may use diesels..
  10. maxpayne

    Turkey’s Air Force Is Obsolete, Warns New Study

    Blocking of spare support was a Sure thing. US only needed a reason to block. Its better to get to know cruel side of US today, rather than after putting all eggs In single basket. Atleast They have time now...
  11. maxpayne

    PM Imran Khan takes calls from citizens

    this stunt was done by nawaz sharif In 90s
  12. maxpayne

    The $1.9 trillion stimulus package could see the U.S. economy outpace China’s for the first time in 45 years

    more dollars means more interest rates. Lets See for how much time US can sustain tje growth
  13. maxpayne

    All Senate candidates from Punjab elected unopposed

    deal hogi nhe, hogyi hai :D
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