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Recent content by melb4aust

  1. melb4aust

    Delusional Indians and Abhinandans Humiliation.

    B.S Dhanoa spitting more B/S.
  2. melb4aust

    Why PAF never went for J-8 Finback?

    You better learn to reply back & criticize constructively with facts, instead of slaming a half liner personal useless post.
  3. melb4aust

    Defence Day Celebrations 2019

    Rehearsals have already been done in February. Gotta wait for it next year:pop:
  4. melb4aust

    DGISPR Posters appeared in Srinagar - Indian Media meltdown started

    World's most pathetic media of pathetic neighbour. The way their anchors talk, their tone of voice and accent is undoubtly below to a common uneducated person you can pick on streets.
  5. melb4aust

    Moment Of Truth :---

    May be the past governments had more influence and weren't ready to release funds. Instead those funds were burnt in oven as a fuel for corruption. Who knows. PAF and navy never had privilage or luxury of having their own say in past compared to ground army.
  6. melb4aust

    Trump stresses need to reduce India-Pakistan 'tensions' in Modi phone call: White House

    Pakistan itself is confused. Doesn't even know where it's standing on Kashmir issue. Its alot easy to say nothing to public and public forget everything in days. Government is not worried about what they will have to say to its own people. They are not sure what steps to take as of this moment...
  7. melb4aust

    Trump stresses need to reduce India-Pakistan 'tensions' in Modi phone call: White House

    You and I both live in North America. And we both know how much North Americans know about Kashmir or any its issues. They dont even care. Yes you can gossip all day long relating Trump and his affairs, they have more interest in that. Similar is the case with North American governments. They...
  8. melb4aust

    Trump stresses need to reduce India-Pakistan 'tensions' in Modi phone call: White House

    UN is useless. Whether to say or not Simla agreement is in cancelled state. Its a matter of accepting the truth.
  9. melb4aust

    Indian Iran Collaboration & Pakistan's Failure To Build Power Base In GCC:---

    Insurgency from Syrian extremist would have followed into Pakistan as a result. Pakistan was already fighting a war with TTP and was in no position to open another front with ISIS or any of such extrimist organizations. Many of blunders happened in past, it's best to learn from your mistakes...
  10. melb4aust

    Trump stresses need to reduce India-Pakistan 'tensions' in Modi phone call: White House

    God know how long the settlement process would take. Kashmir issue is altogether a different one. No doubt if settlement process ended up in peaceful withdrawl of US forces. Pakistan may be able retreat their own forces and big amount of focus from its western border towards eastern border...
  11. melb4aust

    UNSC meeting reaffirmation of resolutions for Kashmiris' right to self-determination: PM Imran

    Didn't someone mentioned. Imran to address the nation. When?
  12. melb4aust

    26Th Feb Was A Test Run By IAF To Check The Fight In The Paf:---

    I was here, actually followed all of your posts, didn't have time to reply. Being very busy with work and family lately. I was refering back to the events that happened in Feb 2019. However, I will have to agree with you on recent issues over Kashmir and LOC. Looking at recent situation...
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