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Recent content by Pak_88

  1. Pak_88

    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Just wanted to share my two cents. Kindly refrain from any disrespectful reply. 1. The current situation is very unfortunate. However, one must remember that our people are a very emotional lot. Discrediting and trying to destroy an institution, which is the only working institution in this...
  2. Pak_88

    Monument built to honor Lt. Salar Beg who was martyred and buried in erstwhile East Pakistan

    22nd Cavalry. Death or Glory. "Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die" "They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them" Araam Baash.
  3. Pak_88

    A Request For Prayers

    Greetings! I've been a long-time visitor of this forum ever since my school days, and I shall forever be thankful to the mods and posters who keep this forum alive with debate and the latest defence related news. I get much of my knowledge and views from right here. I just wished to ask the...
  4. Pak_88

    My Dream to become a Commission Officer

    Muzammil, I started my F.Sc. with a weight of 86 kg. I lost the bulk of my weight between November and April. I'm currently at 65. It was simply a matter of motivation for me. As regards gynaecomastia, I have a friend who was referred during initial selection to the CMH on the suspicion that...
  5. Pak_88

    ISSB and My Experience

    I applied for 144 PMA L/C some time in mid-June, and finally received my ISSB call letter on the 22nd of June, 2019. I'd just been discharged from CMH, Multan, about 4 days prior, after an unpleasant bout of enteric fever that left me incredibly weak. I was discharged just one day prior to my...
  6. Pak_88

    Asif Ali Zardari's declared and disclosed assets

    "Why hast thou made me born in this country, the inhabitant of which is satisfied with being a slave?" - Iqbal Yaar yeh kya mazaaq banaa rakha hai? These bastards, these crooks, these haraamkhores have sucked the country dry to the bone. If people still wish to stand by their side, to support...
  7. Pak_88

    Role reversal: When India proposed a plebiscite to solve Kashmir – and Pakistan rejected it

    If we're to really discuss Kashmir, why not discuss Junagadh and Hyderabad too?
  8. Pak_88

    Iran urges Muslims including Saudi Arabian ‘brothers’ to unite against US

    Depends on one's definitions. The US does the same and gets away with it.
  9. Pak_88

    When Pakistani Soldiers Stood Guard At Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation

    Removing "every single dirty Brit systems"? So, 1 step forward, 2 back? How do you propose we take these steps? Which new system should we implement? Ironic that you should say this whilst sitting in the good ole US of A.
  10. Pak_88

    Hindu nationalists increasingly use anti-Semitic slurs to target me – and that isn’t surprising

    The way these people embrace Herr Hitler's ideology is absolutely hilarious, considering especially that his view of the "ubermensch" was an almost Nordic character, rather than the brown eyed, black haired, dark skinned "Indo-Aryan" which these people claim to be. Hitler's picture of the ideal...
  11. Pak_88

    World War II fighter planes

    I always had it going for the spitfire. Beauty of an aeroplane.
  12. Pak_88

    PM orders setting up of National Curriculum Council

    The need of the hour. I'm currently doing my FSc and it's brought me to the end my tether with the amount of rote memorisation I have to endure. The syllabus is absoluetely revolting! The amount of stress laid upon "ratta" is mind boggling. It just kills one's motivation. Subjects such as...
  13. Pak_88

    Rename Islamabad International Airport (IIA) after PM Benazir Bhutto

    Who shall decide on the day of judgement whether one should go to heaven or hell? Will it be God, or you, or KHR, or Fazlu? I think it's best to leave such judgements on the basis of faith up to the one Being who knows the state of our faith best: Allah. Now, the following: a. Is death really...
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