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Recent content by prashantazazel

  1. prashantazazel

    Kolkata BJP gadhas at it again...

    No. They couldn't convert more because they would have faced our saifs.
  2. prashantazazel

    Do you believe in a/some spiritual Guru/Sant/Saint/Pir/Baba ?

    Every region has these fraudsters.
  3. prashantazazel

    The government of Uttar Pradesh in India has banned the production, storage, distribution, and sale of food products with the Halal certification

    I have no problem with this if the government sets up a transparent organization for the certification. I have a problem when Muslims force restaurants to go halal(this was forced by violence a few decades back.), via boycotts. Note-I find it cruel. I'm an atheist. Just imagine what I think...
  4. prashantazazel

    The government of Uttar Pradesh in India has banned the production, storage, distribution, and sale of food products with the Halal certification

    Some muslim organizations threaten others to get halal certification. I don't want my meat to be halal either, but chains like KFC are forced to serve halal. Most of their customers are non Muslims. Consuming only halal products is also discriminatory against non muslims. *most middle class...
  5. prashantazazel

    It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

    It is not that complicated. Most Indians are laid-back, and a few work hard. Most Chinese work extremely hard, and a few are laid-back. Now it is upto you to decide what are your goals in life.
  6. prashantazazel

    Thoughts with the At least 40 Indian workers trapped in tunnel collapse.

    I didn't see this in the news. Surprised. Callous disregard for human lives as usual.
  7. prashantazazel

    Hamas miscalculation?

    People who think it was a conspiracy could be right. Let this be a lesson though. Don't have conflicts with a smarter, more capable nation. Be friendly, so that it doesn't come to this. A lot of these terrorist attacks have been conspiracies.
  8. prashantazazel

    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    I don't expect every Palestinian to move. Maybe only the women and children. Everyone moving would be stupid and cowardly, as you say. Now, the issue is that the neighbors don't want 'any Palestinians.
  9. prashantazazel

    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    Gladly. They contribute more to the world than us. But they won't like living in an underdeveloped country. Some desert in the US maybe a better option for them ...
  10. prashantazazel

    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    It looks like their brothers in religion care more about the land than the lives.
  11. prashantazazel

    INSECURITY: Pajeets now planning to change the name of Aligarh to Harigarh

    You may think so. But most temples run empty. The average person doesn't care that much.
  12. prashantazazel

    Normalizing ties with India

    This won't be possible till the masses on both sides are conservative.
  13. prashantazazel

    BREAKING: Indian Hindutva nationalist PM worships naked Pajeet man's penis and posts it on Twitter

    It is fun to see religious people criticise other religious people for 'illogical practices. '
  14. prashantazazel

    Why doesn't India or Modi ever speak up for the Uyghurs? Even Israel does!

    Well, China tries to claim some of our land, so our government is not going to praise the good things they do. The people who know about uyghur issue generally support China's stand.
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