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Recent content by Riteon

  1. Riteon

    2012: India has highest child mortality rate in the world

    This sucks !!! ...............We really need heavy investment in health sector....need a mix of British and US system..............the doctor patient ratios is too low......bed to population ratio too low and to top it rural doctors are too low........... The amount of grains that rot in...
  2. Riteon

    Japan 'To Announce Disputed Island Purchase'

    Everybody does not think like you....if they did....we will vbe having a very peaceful world !!!!........Ego of men are too hard to contain
  3. Riteon

    MBDA Germany Successfully Tests 40 kW High-Energy Laser Demonstrator

    Bloody hell......!!! soon will we able to see Gundams too !!............Rail guns and lasers.....seems missile and artilleries are going to get outdated
  4. Riteon

    Any questions Regarding India

    Majority Indians tend to be secular...atleast tries to be................but in the last decade there has been a steady rise in islamophobes in India.....little paranoia and mostly due to appeasement policy of congress or experience of islamic fanatism which thereby leads to less secualr...
  5. Riteon

    India least corrupt among BRIC: Harvard Business Review

    India might be having a slower bureacracy than China..but may not be as corrupt...........Indian media has a free rein bringing the Govt to task....but Chinese media is tied down..infact has become govt stooge.............check out how the pics in Anhui CPC member scandal was morphed by media...
  6. Riteon

    Any questions Regarding India

    lets be honest ...the rivalry is too strong between both nations for open acceptance of any kind !!.....but that does not mean there has been no tacit acceptance ......therefore both nations will have to suffice with that ........ Keep trolling to minimum.......just the Answers to to Qs will...
  7. Riteon

    Any questions Regarding India

    India has the largest muslim population in the subcontinent..more than pakistan or bangladesh....hence India have tried many time to represent them in OIC .....therefore it is right to say....India prefers to keep her dual identity...that of a secular nation and at the same time represent...
  8. Riteon

    India least corrupt among BRIC: Harvard Business Review

    India might be having a slower bureacracy than China..but may not be as corrupt...........Indian media has a free rein bringing the Govt to task....but Chinese media is tied down..infact has become govt stooge.............check out how the pics in Anhui CPC member scandal was morphed by media...
  9. Riteon

    When India Invaded Pakistan

    Oye tandamanush .........tell your version of the war...step by step with Dates....lets stop going around in circles
  10. Riteon

    Any questions Regarding India

    Seeing how good the the thread on china has gone thanks to djsjs,chauism and other members from china..........i hope this thread will be able to answer all Qs [taboos incl if moderator allows] on INDIA All TROLL : guys lets keep it to a minimum.....being a thread on india...i expect our...
  11. Riteon

    Do you have any questions about China?

    How is it ironic ...care to explain ?? Caste system is still prevalent to an extent..............but its a social stigma that has been having reduced importance day by day.................hence in time it will be completely irrelevant...............we prefer slow methids than a cultural...
  12. Riteon

    IAF backs pilot who refused to fly Rahul Gandhi

    Amul baby throwing tantrums.......missing colombian coffee brewed with desi milk ...................ahhh rahul rahul
  13. Riteon

    US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

    Oh right an extra 20 is gonna make the whole difference....If us had nefarious plans regarding Libya...it wont be 50 Marines they would be sending !! ....this number looks about right for a precautionary force for the US citizens still there They deny logic that defies their conviction...
  14. Riteon

    The Carrier Dilemma: How Many is Enough?

    7 for india , 10 for china
  15. Riteon

    Tata Motors drives into Indonesia

    Guys ...but you gotto give it to the chinese......they have better finish than the indian models ................
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