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Recent content by RufusIpsum

  1. R

    Transporting Guns to Pakistan from the United States ?

    Are you 100% absolutely sure that a No Object Certificate is required from the interior ministry in my specific situation and that there are no alternatives? Also, what exactly would such a letter from the Interior Ministry state? Have you ever heard of a "transit permit" and is this another...
  2. R

    Transporting Guns to Pakistan from the United States ?

    What do you mean by agent? I just enjoy shooting and hunting here in NJ and I want to bring my firearms so I can keep shooting weekly like I usually do. I plan to check out the ranges in Lahore and, possibly go hunting if the opportunity arises.
  3. R

    Transporting Guns to Pakistan from the United States ?

    Can you be more specific? What type of "license" and how is such license procured? Are you 100% certain that I can't bring my firearms "as transit"? Have you heard of this term before? Please provide a reference. Thanks!
  4. R

    Transporting Guns to Pakistan from the United States ?

    Assalamu Alaikum, I am a Dual National of Pakistan and I'm taking a trip to Pakistan on an American passport on the first week of March and I plan to take 3 firearms with me (handgun, shotgun, rifle). I'm traveling from JFK in NYC to Allama Iqbal Airport in LHE. I'm flying Etihad Airlines which...
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