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    Why wood pulp is world's new wonder material - A $600 Billion Industry!

    THE hottest new material in town is light, strong and conducts electricity. What's more, it's been around a long, long time. Nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC), which is produced by processing wood pulp, is being hailed as the latest wonder material. Japan-based Pioneer Electronics is applying...
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    The Lone Star State of Balochistan

    There was so much to be mesmerized. From the Whispering Galleries of Rotunda to Sam Houston Sculptures in Southern Foyer, the Texas State Capital building was every inch a marvel. The curator at the city congress was a Pakistani American. The floor glistened and all of us, the third world...
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    Why Putin is driving Washington nuts

    Forget the past (Saddam, Osama, Gaddafi) and the present (Assad, Ahmadinejad). A bet can be made over a bottle of Petrus 1989 (the problem is waiting the next six years to collect); for the foreseeable future, Washington's top bogeyman - and also for its rogue North Atlantic Treaty Organization...
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    Right-wing America is erupting in renewed neo-conservative revolt

    The return of the Keyboard Warriors By Pepe Escobar From Republican chicken hawks to public intellectuals, right-wing America is erupting in renewed neo-conservative revolt. The year 2012 is the new 2002; Iran is the new Iraq. Whatever the highway - real men go to Tehran via Damascus, or...
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    How stealthy is the stealth helo

    I have not been able to find the photo a single stealth helo used in OBL raid in Abbotabad on May 2nd, 2011. There are only pictures of the tail part from the wreck. Some remnants of the fuselage (not the whole) from the wreck. On web, I find artist's renderings of stealth helo. Pentagon...
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