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  1. Joe Shearer

    Kissinger turns 100 - congratulations, Bangladesh

    A war criminal who won a Nobel Peace Prize reaches the age of 100 today. In our region, Bangladesh has been a prominent victim. It is an appropriate day to take stock of how much damage he has done around the world.
  2. Joe Shearer

    The Karnataka Polls

    This is one of the remaining neutral or objective journalists, on the subject of the spanking that the BJP has got in the Karnataka elections. Read on. @CallSignMaverick @Halwa Brigade @jamahir @Kaniska @Krptonite @MilSpec @Skimming @SoulSpokesman @Chute @Destranator @Goritoes @villageidiot
  3. Joe Shearer

    The Burning South: India-Pakistan conflict in 2026 - A hypothetical scenario simulated. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM TROLLING OR JINGOISM

    @SQ8 @PanzerKiel @surya kiran @MilSpec @Signalian @Desert Fox 1 Gentlemen, I am compelled by Clio to take you to a very dark period, and beg to be forgiven for that, for the way back to normal times is not known to me. He Who Must Not Be Named, that four-letter word that leads a crazed...
  4. Joe Shearer

    Why I think the way I do about Savarkar.

    There are five threads in this section, of which four are about Savarkar. Reading some of the material was an ordeal. Instead of sputtering angrily about it, I have pleasure in forwarding the video recording of Professor Janaki Bakhle's talk at the University of California, Berkeley, where she...
  5. Joe Shearer

    Indian Muslims and Liberals are trapped in a toxic relationship

  6. Joe Shearer

    Mourn idea of India, but don’t forget that the idea of people is changing too

    Mourn idea of India, but don’t forget that the idea of people is changing too Modi’s new India is a new idea of the people. And politicians and intellectuals must bow to it unquestioningly. HILAL AHMED 26 August, 2020 8:31 am IST File photo | BJP supporters at a rally | Mitesh Bhuvad/PTI In...
  7. Joe Shearer

    Congratulations liberals, for another self-goal in forcing Bloomsbury on Delhi riots book

    Congratulations liberals, for another self-goal in forcing Bloomsbury on Delhi riots book Rama Lakshmi There were other options before liberals. But they have just emboldened Hindu fundamentalists to justify future calls for banning Wendy Doniger, Sheldon Pollock and Isabel Wilkerson...
  8. Joe Shearer

    A New Freedom Struggle For India

    A new freedom struggle for India must be based on a new nationalism. No short-cuts will do Pratap Bhanu Mehta is right about death of secularism. But he doesn’t answer why the entire spectrum of Hindu public opinion turned against secularism. YOGENDRA YADAV 19 August, 2020 2:05 pm IST...
  9. Joe Shearer

    Idea of India wasn’t demolished at Ayodhya. That happened in our ‘liberal’ homes

    Idea of India wasn’t demolished at Ayodhya. That happened in our ‘liberal’ homes The 1992 Babri Masjid demolition was no sudden act. All of our family conversations contributed to the pickaxes that hit the mosque in Ayodhya. RAMA LAKSHMI 2 August, 2020 8:31 am IST File photo | Kar sevaks at the...
  10. Joe Shearer

    An Astonising Discovery.....

    For BJP, Ayodhya issue is the most significant. And PM Narendra Modi is unlikely to miss the grand 5 August ceremony, Covid or no Covid. RUHI TEWARI 28 July, 2020 8:52 am IST Prime Minister Narendra Modi | ThePrint Narendra Modi is a Hindutva leader and a political animal first, India’s prime...
  11. Joe Shearer

    Bastille Day

    @Vergennes Best wishes for Bastille Day.
  12. Joe Shearer

    Suggested duties for Indian members of this forum

    I hope we can reach some agreement on a common code of conduct for those Indian members who don't wish to be trolls spoiling things for everyone on every thread. MODERATOR EDIT ON REQUEST OF OP Code of Conduct (As of 28th July 2020) Following Code of Conduct have been finalized and agreed upon...
  13. Joe Shearer

    Going to war - the hard realities

    It is best, say the wise, to learn from the mistakes of others. These two videos, by veterans of the Falklands campaign of 1982, have a direct bearing on the situation that the Indian Army faces in Ladakh today. This may seem strange; what can there be in a campaign waged across thousands of...
  14. Joe Shearer


    We are getting to be a solemn bunch of sour-faced misanthropes. We need a change.
  15. Joe Shearer

    Help to procure books published in Pakistan

    I need help to get certain books published in Pakistan, but not available on Amazon, that will help me in my study of military history. I am willing to pay, on a case by case basis, as my resources are limited. One that seems imminently necessary is History of Indo-Pak War-1965 by Mahmud Ahmed...
  16. Joe Shearer

    What you will never see again if the Hindutva faction gets their way.

    Christians will be delighted, various others may be offended. Find out what food is really available, and where, and stop soaking up urban legends.
  17. Joe Shearer

    For PanzerKiel - Why I continue to hold the same opinion about Niranjan Prasad

    Shiv Kunal Verma's latest book gives a total picture of the 1962 war, including the politics behind it. Excerpts from the book Nehru was waiting for Thimayya and for the first time, the normally reticent Timmy exchanged angry words with the prime minister. He told Nehru that his arbitrary...
  18. Joe Shearer

    The Truth is Always Bitter

  19. Joe Shearer

    Best wishes

    Best wishes to members on the occasion of Vijaya Dashami.
  20. Joe Shearer

    We Stupid Bengalis

    https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/pakistani-wins-hugs-not-slaps-after-8-hour-experiment-on-s-kol-street/articleshow/70635703.cms?utm_source=quora&utm_medium=referral ‘Pakistani’ wins hugs ..
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