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  1. FuturePAF

    Ballad of An American Working Man

    The average man has it hard in the US as well. Seems like this song is going viral. This is an age where real folk songs and not corporate country music are what people are hungry for. Many similarities to the plight of the average person in Pakistan (although many obvious differences, except...
  2. FuturePAF

    What’s happening around Travis AFB?

    Who do you think is buying land around Travis AFB?
  3. FuturePAF

    Privatization should not create new Oligarchs

    While discussions are underway to attract investment into Pakistan, this should be done carefully as not to hand over major sectors of the economy from the SOEs to a few oligarchs, creating new monopolies that have no incentive to grow as fast as possible...
  4. FuturePAF

    Hwasong 18: North Korea’s Solid Fuel ICBM

    The North Koreans have done it. They have made a solid fueled icbm, in the same class as the Topol. Probably can cover all of the CONUS. This along with their 250 kt weapons, leaves them with only MIRV technology and decoy technology between them and a first string force. Their extensive tunnel...
  5. FuturePAF

    Pakistan needs to focus on mining silicon

    A lot of money is poured into research the presence of minerals, but reports seem to come in here and there, and nothing seems to become of it. IMHO, silicon has been found in Pakistan and in potentially significant quantities. Pakistan’s policy makers need to formulate a plan to modernize the...
  6. FuturePAF

    Bilawal claims credit for Regime Change

    26:30-27:30 “When we removed Mr. Khan from his prime ministership, it was the first time in Pakistan’s history … for the first time, parliament voted them out, that idea, that proposition came from me. But it took me two years to convince everyone else because no one believed that it would...
  7. FuturePAF

    Newark sister city scam with a “Hindu Nation”

    Sounds like someone tried to pull a Rajneshi thing in Jersey. I see it working in the 70s but in this day and age no one even checked if this was a real country. When I saw the news I thought it was a Native American (“Indian”) nation but this :p: The kicker here is the leader of this nation is...
  8. FuturePAF

    German Naval Buildup?

    Are we witnessing a rearmament drive in Europe and Japan?. Poland is trying to go to a level of 300,000 troops and 1500 modern tanks. The Japanese are also trying to build up to 270,000 troops. But in Germany, they look to be building up their navy. The post-Cold War period seems to be truly...
  9. FuturePAF

    17 year old Afghan Refugee shot in Tracy, CA

    Not sure what led up to this, was it over a misunderstanding? A developing news story. Warning: you don’t see much blood, but Graphic situation.
  10. FuturePAF

    Getting ahead of the blame game

    This year the new Republican controlled House of Representatives in the US congress are going to do investigations on Afghanistan. Pakistan may not feel it needs to prove itself, but perceptions have to be changed, and 20 years of proof are there to show the TTA’s activities were homegrown...
  11. FuturePAF

    Jiang Zemin Has Died

    At age 96, Jiang Zemin has died. What effect will this have on China?
  12. FuturePAF

    “Claims on Azad Kashmir Make India more vulnerable” - Pravin Sawhney

    This past year’s political instability inside Pakistan has emboldened the Indian Establishment to think they can go on a mis-adventure in AJK and GB.
  13. FuturePAF

    Rush Doshi: Head of China policy at NSC

    Rush Doshi is the head of China policy at the US NSC (National Security Council) This is probably a good book to read for those wonder what Biden’s policy is going to be toward China. If I had to guess, the author; an Indian-American, is probably going to advocate for enhanced “cooperation” via...
  14. FuturePAF

    Pakistan NEEDS Navigable Rivers

    There is a similar thread open about this need in Bangladesh, and IMHO, Pakistan needs this as well. https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/necessity-of-basin-wide-management-for-water-transit-and-trade.734056/ The Indians are also doing this on sections of the Ganga River at the moment with hopes of...
  15. FuturePAF

    Hwasong-17/KN-28 ICBM launch?

    North Korea probably just tested its newest ICBM, the Hwasong 17/KN-28. It’s larger then it’s last most recent successful ICBM test of the Hwasong-15 a few years ago. The Hwasong-17 probably is larger so it can accommodate 3-4 MIRVs and many Decoys. Considering the yield of the H-bomb test was...
  16. FuturePAF

    Radar Interference Tracker

    Bellingcat does it again. An OSINT tool to find military radars based on the principle that military radars interfere with open source satellite images. A good way to keep an eye on enemy Sam movements...
  17. FuturePAF

    Chinese JLTV?

    An interesting picture of what looks like a Chinese JLTV?
  18. FuturePAF

    Omicron wave will crash on US with 60% of people infected by March and 140 MILLION new infections

    https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10337845/amp/Enormous-spread-Omicron-cause-140-MILLION-new-infections-January-1-March-1.html This is the Big one that many scientists have been expecting. Even if the vaccines are not as effective, I hope everyone that has the...
  19. FuturePAF

    China eyes military base on Africa's Atlantic coast: report

    This would be a significant move by the Chinese if they are able to pull it off, but is Equatorial Guinea ready for the global attention this would attract? https://thehill.com/policy/international/584437-china-eyes-military-base-on-africas-atlantic-coast-report
  20. FuturePAF

    Why One of the Oldest Pakistani American Communities is in Wyoming

    Pakistan is always in their hearts
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