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  1. loanranger

    PAF predicts Imminent threat of Indian False Flag Operation.

    Screen grab from official PAF video. Something must be up. But so early without Rafale or S400??? Maybe they just want another limited skirmish to release their internal problems pressure. Suits us.
  2. loanranger

    Indian CGI film on Feb 26th based on a imaginary story

    Take home message: Indians are obsessed with f16s. Atleast someone told the producer that some of their bombs refused to go. Not the worst of efforts though. Atleast they don't paint PAF in a bad light.
  3. loanranger

    Eyewitness account of IAF Su30 Mki crash site.

    One has to say 1000 lies to cover up one lie. People in the area recount the event when it was still fresh in their minds. Analyse the video and listen to each word carefully. There is no doubt that they are talking of a plane crash on the Indian side.
  4. loanranger

    Two Different Airforces very similar in activity. PAF /US NAVY

    You have got to see this! Have a very similar video with the same exact song with young pilots from the Pakistan Airforce! How different yet so similar!
  5. loanranger

    India requests Pakistan to allow Modi’s aircraft to fly over its airspace on June 13

    The Indian government has requested Pakistan to allow Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s aircraft to fly over Pakistani airspace on June 13. According to reports, Pakistan has received a formal request sent by the Indian High Commission in this regard. Modi is scheduled to attend the Shanghai...
  6. loanranger

    Exclusive Pilot view of an PAF F-16 Blk 52.

    Surprised that this video is on Youtube but whos complaining. Finally got to look at the glossy liquid crystal displays ! :crazy:
  7. loanranger

    W/C Abhinandan being treated by Pakistan Army medics.

    The atmosphere seems to be very relaxed. All parties involved are courteous and considerate. If only this was also shown by the Indian media. Proud of Pakistan. :pakistan:
  8. loanranger

    W/C Abhinandan spotted at IAF pilot funeral ceremony just days before being brought down by the PAF.

    Skip to 1:30. The Wing Commander appears clearly distressed and saddened by the loss of his fellow course mate Sahil Ghandhi who died while being involved in an aircraft collision during rehersal for an airshow. Its easy to start a war but no one knows when it will end. Wars are meant to be...
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