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  1. E

    What Does the Kartapur Highway Mean for India and Pakistan?

    Engineering has certainly taken us around the world, under the sea, and out into space, but it looks like engineering could also create a bridge to help soar two nations economies and foster peace and harmony between them. A ‘road to peace’ could be created linking India and Pakistan, which...
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    Security Guards for Hire

    Any growing business needs to think of hiring a security guard. Security guards do more than you think — they inspect buildings to ensure there are no safety hazards, they help in handling emergencies, help provide your clients with a sense of safety, and yes, they save you lots of money by...
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    Defence.pk in Molty Foam documentary

    Just an example of what you write and its reach.
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    Pakistan Accuses India of Lobbying to Block F-16 Sale

    In the latest war of words between India and Pakistan, the latter has now accused India of lobbying to block the sale of F-16 fighter aircraft to Islamabad by the US. Sartaj Aziz, Advisor on Foreign Affairs to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif told the Senate of Pakistan that “the Indian lobby has...
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    PDF Warning Points and Bans

    Warnings - Ban Length 3 points - 7 days 4 points - 2 weeks 5 points - 1 month 6 points - 2 months 7 points - 3 months 8 points - 4 months 100 points - permanent
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    India v Pakistan at Kolkata, Mar 19, 2016

    Use this thread to discuss the match today. :)
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    Pakistan Hockey

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    Development & Infrastructure forum

    Because of CPEC and how important it is for Pakistan economy, we have created a forum Development & Infrastructure Feel free to contribute projects in major cities and all the developments happening in Pakistan
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    Defence.pk Down for 4 hours - 2/4/2016

    We went down today due to a bug in the system, the bug has been resolved and the site is up. The total downtime was for around 4 hours.
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    Defence.pk Will Be Down

    We have scheduled a downtime for 4:00 AM Saturday, Pakistan Standard Time. It should last for about 6 hours.
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    PDF Errors 2016

    I need your help in identifying if the site is slow, errors you are getting, features that are not working. Some description and screenshot will help me solve those errors.
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    Allow Rape threads on PDF?

    So here is a poll related to rape threads.
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    New Mod: HRK

    Please welcome @HRK to the moderator position. We hope induction of new mods results in better moderation.
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    New Mod: WAJSal

    Please welcome @WAJsal to the mod team of Pakistan Defence Forum. :yahoo::victory:
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    Defence.pk attacked

    This morning we were attacked and that resulted in the downtime of more than 5 hours. We have taken steps to stabilize the defenses, please email webmaster@defence.pk if you have issues viewing/logging in. Thanks, Defence.pk
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    Meeting with Biden high point of Pakistan's COAS visit

    Army Chief Raheel Sharif crowned his five-day visit to the United States with a meeting with Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on Thursday. The two leaders met in the Roosevelt Room and discussed “bilateral relations and the security situation” in South Asia, a senior official told...
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    Any Lawyers from Pakistan?

    Do we have any lawyers here from Pakistan?
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    Axact threatens Defence.pk

    LEGAL NOTICE FOR DEFAMATION & DAMAGES UP TO PKR 500 MILLION Axact has served a legal notice for damages up to PKR 500 MILLION in order to threaten Defence.pk and censor free speech. Attached is the letter. Thanks Pakistan Defence
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    PDF Downtime

    PDF was down for more than 24 hours due to an attack on its servers. These attacks are very high level and forced us to upgrade our infrastructure to cope up with the attacks. There will be a few things here and there not working, so you can point here and it will help us to fix those issues.
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