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    Elon Musk post pics of dog as CEO of twitter

    Elon Musk post pics of his dog "Floki" as the new CEO of twitter. Says the Dog is good with numbers. Also Goes to say Much better than the other guy. ( Probably referring to Parag Aggarwal the previous CEO of twitter)...
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    Hate speech at Hindu Maha Sammelanam: Malayalam Mission Qatar coordinator removed

    Malayalam Mission, an initiative of the cultural department of Kerala government to promote Malayalam among non-resident Keralites, has removed its Qatar co-ordinator over allegations of hate speech at the Hindu Maha Sammelanam at Thiruvananthapuram . Malayalam Mission director and poet Murukan...
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    WHO suggests India's death toll for covid19 is around 4.7 million, almost ten times more than offical figure.

    LONDON: A new World Health Organisation (WHO) report, which is being considered the most comprehensive look at the true global toll of the pandemic so far, reveals that the actual number of deaths from the pandemic were nearly three times more than what official data showed. The report...
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    Indians Celebrating after Indian women hockey team lost to Argentina in semi Finals.

    Surprise Surprise!! https://www.newindianexpress.com/sport/olympics/2021/aug/05/india-lost-because-it-has-too-many-dalit-players-casteist-slurs-thrown-at-hockey-star-vandana-2340559.html...
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    2000 bodies found within 1140km on banks of Ganga River.

    2000 bodies!!! Unbelivable
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    Covid-19: Religious and political gatherings contributed to surge in cases in India, says WHO

    The World Health Organization has linked the surge in coronavirus cases in India to religious and political gatherings in the country. In its weekly epidemiological update on the pandemic released on Tuesday, the health body flagged flouting of Covid-19 norms in such events. “A recent risk...
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    33 Million Gods in India and Not ONE capable of producing Oxygen! Charlie Hebdo

    https://theprint.in/world/33-mn-gods-not-one-producing-oxygen-charlie-hebdo-releases-cartoon-on-indias-covid-crisis/657860/ New Delhi: Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical weekly magazine, has released a cartoon strongly critiquing India’s acute oxygen crisis amid the devastating second wave of...
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    99% kumbh Returnees tested Covid19 positive. 22 Pilgirms remain untraced.

    Last Year they Blamed Tableeghis, Jamatis, Corona Jehad. Guess what Karma is back with a Bang
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    Facebook hid posts calling for India’s PM to resign

    Facebook hid posts calling for India’s PM to resign Surprise!!!
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    Trevor Noah criticises the Indian government over its Covid-19 response.

    You cant Hide the Truth no matter what you do.
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    Crackers will Burst in Pakistan if Mamta Banerjee Wins Elections in West Bengal claims BJP leader.

    Here we go again. Pakistan plays an important role in Indian Politics. Mamata Banerjee is the pioneer of opportunistic politics, crackers will burst in Pak over her win : Suvendu Adhikari BJP leader and contestant from Nandigram, Suvendu Adhikari, in an exclusive conversation with ABP News...
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    Update on Hathras Rape Case!

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    Reality of Love Jihad!!

    Real Journalism. Showing all prespective. Very Interesting
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