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  1. R

    Sweet Baby Inc - why video games are becoming more and more woke

    Ever notice why mainstream AAA western games are now super woke (characters speaking like zoomer on Tik-Tok, with tokenism/black people everywhere, and no more badass hero models?), this company is behind it: Sweet Baby Inc. https://sweetbabyinc.com/ They basically write or revise the plot of...
  2. R

    A Chinese fishing boat capsized in the waters off Kagoshima, Japan. Chinese consulate requested the Japanese side to make every effort to rescue

    https://www.guancha.cn/internation/2023_11_18_716161.shtml Unfortunate accident aside, hope this would be a good opportunity for cooperation between the 2 countries.
  3. R

    This year's Game Awards nominees

    https://thegameawards.com/nominees/game-of-the-year From Asia, we got 3 GOTY nominees, Resident Evil 4, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and Super Mario: Wonders. My favorite game, Armored Core 6, got snubbed and only got the Best action game of the year instead :( Alan Wake 2 comes outta nowhere LOL.
  4. R

    Japan's Shibuya district saying no to Halloween

    Finally some pushback against this shit. https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/5213fad6f9b57ee0090e7f029b13fcd6afab79e0 Japan introduced this to Asia, and they might be the first one to cut it out. Halloween is consumerist American brainwashing culture, the americans don't celebrate asian...
  5. R

    Robot power! Japan's startup demo pilotable transformable robot in Japan Mobility Show

    It is certainly one way to get around! And grab stuff too!
  6. R

    Armored Core 6, Resident Evil 4 remake, Zelda ToTK and many other games nominated for Golden Joystick's Ultimate Game of the Year

    https://www.gamesradar.com/voting-golden-joysticks-2023-ultimate-game-of-the-year/ Look like another year of harvest! Already voted for Armored Core 6.
  7. R

    Israel-Gaza crisis: US vetoes Security Council resolution

    https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142507 The news here is that only the US opposes this resolution, even their vassals/allies are in favor or abstain. America is isolated, it's over.
  8. R

    Japan U-22 beats Mexico 4-1

    Well, Asian teams beating european team is a normal thing nowadays, but beating S. American team, whaddya think @jhungary ?
  9. R

    Another victory! Japan beats Turkey 4-2

    Man, so Turkey is better than Germany after all?
  10. R

    Breaking news! Japan beats Germany 4-1!!!

    Miss this match because it happens in mid-night. But yet another quake in the soccer world: This is in Germany's home btw. Whoever says Asians are crap at sport should eat their words now.
  11. R

    Armored Core 6 beats all Dark Souls games to become second-biggest FromSoftware launch on Steam

    Been offline many days playing Armored Core 6. Then this news drop https://news.yahoo.com/armored-core-6-beats-dark-165211843.html Mecha genre is so back. And dodge roll, in my Sekiro or Armored Core? This journalist doesn't even play the game LOL.
  12. R

    Words of Wu Ershan, the director of "Feng Shen", "the appellation of the Han nationality appeared after the Yuan Dynasty"?

    https://user.guancha.cn/main/content?id=1068420&s=fwzxhfbt I think I argue this before, Han vs Hua, but still, the fact this mongolian guy (Wu Ershan is an ethnic mongolian) is up in the director's seat and says this means there's a huge ethnic conflict problem and even history problem in China.
  13. R

    U.S.-Japan spat over whaling: Japanese officials threaten or withdraw from Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, U.S. backs down

    https://www.guancha.cn/internation/2023_08_18_705516.shtml Based Japan just tells the US to sit the **** down on the whaling issue in the IPEF. I want a whale meat ramen now!!! Whale meat are NOT negotiable!
  14. R

    Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom’s Record Launch Reportedly Boosted Japan’s GDP

    Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2023/08/16/zelda-tears-of-the-kingdoms-record-launch-reportedly-boosted-japans-gdp/?sh=451085ed5f9d Told you guys Japan's future relies on ACG (Anime Comic Games). Officially a very big buck industry. Damn shame Nintendo doesn't port their games...
  15. R

    Japan sank into a trade deficit last month (July) as exports dropped, especially to other Asian nations

    https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/japan-sank-trade-deficit-month-exports-dropped-asian-102333179 Look like Japan is back to deficit mode after the surplus made in June. It's joever.
  16. R

    Japanese economic growth surges on strong exports and tourism

    https://apnews.com/article/japan-economic-growth-d919c4d94ebbcc7873ef0a9b1cff12a4 It seems that with China's now-allowed tourist group in Japan, Japan's economy will further recover. Asian economy is recovering and growing faster than the West, boy!
  17. R

    [Gamer8] Kakeru revenge, won against AngryBird in Street Fighter 6 final

    For a bit of context, back in EVO 2023, AngryBird was the champion of SF6. Gamer8 is a new fightan tourney in Saudi Arabia. Fightan tourneys are getting crazy hyped.
  18. R

    [Women World's Cup] Japan loses to Sweden 1-2 and is elimated

    Such a goddamn shame, handball penalty for Sweden, Ueki (Japan) missing a penalty. And the japanese were getting their shit together in the 70s minutes too. Goddamn shame, this means all Asian teams are eliminated :( Still proud that the score is just 1-2 tho.
  19. R

    [Breaking news] China lifts group tour ban for Japan

    https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/abdb6228c1a977de61e87e33e2868fa318a18e0d Wonder what happened? Maybe China govt and Japan govt has some secret dealings.
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    Inside of HCM Metro - largest underground station in Vietnam

    https://vnexpress.net/dien-mao-ga-ngam-lon-nhat-metro-so-1-4635161.html The completion rate is 99% and there has been trial run in April 2023: https://video.vnexpress.net/tin-tuc/thoi-su/2-000-khach-trai-nghiem-metro-ben-thanh-suoi-tien-4598540.html Now hoping we can get it finished later this...
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