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  1. EAGLE777

    “The Drone Problem”: How the U.S. Has Struggled to Curb Turkey, a Key Exporter of Armed Drones

    Turkey is changing the face of modern warfare with its TB2 drone. As the weapon spreads across the globe, some U.S. lawmakers seek to crack down on the country, saying it’s exploiting its NATO status to obtain key parts from Western manufacturers. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was in a...
  2. EAGLE777

    Putin set to meet Erdogan and Raisi in Iran next week

    Trip announced a day after US warned that Tehran could provide Moscow with hundred of UAVs, some of them weapons-capable, for its war in Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Iran next week, the Kremlin said Tuesday, a day after the US warned that Tehran could provide Moscow with...
  3. EAGLE777

    Is Turkish-Saudi normalization an Iranian nightmare?

    https://nationalinterest.org/feature/turkish-saudi-normalization-iranian-nightmare-203434 The future of Turkish-Saudi relations will be highly dependent on the choices of the Iranian leadership. On June 22, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) paid his first official visit...
  4. EAGLE777

    New Turkey-Uzbekistan Strategic Partnership Accelerates Turkey’s Rise as a Eurasian Agenda-Setter

    By Michaël Tanchum June 8, 2022 The March 2022 elevation of the Turkey-Uzbekistan relationship to a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” provides the Ankara-led Organization of Turkic States with a new geopolitical heft. To preserve its autonomy in the face of Beijing's growing regional...
  5. EAGLE777

    Türkiye and Italy will deepen cooperation in the defence industry, the Turkish President Erdogan says after a meeting with Italian PM Draghi in Ankara

    Türkiye and Italy will deepen cooperation in the defence industry, the Turkish president has said. Speaking at a news conference with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi on Tuesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the deepening of Türkiye-Italy defence industry cooperation serves...
  6. EAGLE777

    Greek priest speaks about Hagia Sophia

    Mashallah may Allah swt bless this rightous priest with iman and Islam.
  7. EAGLE777

    Turkish pistols are conquering US market

    The Canik gun became extremly popular in the USA.
  8. EAGLE777

    Serbia considers buying Bayraktar TB-2's

    https://hanlire.com/serbian-president-vucic-i-took-my-word-for-bayraktar/ President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, known for his proximity to the Kremlin, formally requested Bayraktar from Turkey. Making a statement to the press after the “Fire Shield 2022 Exercise” organized by the Serbian Army...
  9. EAGLE777

    KMG556 Light Machine Gun will enter Turkish armed forces' inventory very soon

    Kale Defence and Aerospace has developed the 5.56x45mm calibre KMG556 light machine gun for special forces. Operating with a gas recoil mechanism, the rifle has a 14.5, 16 and 18 inch barrel options and weighs 7.8 kg. The rifle has a cyclic rate of 800-900 per minute, and its effective range is...
  10. EAGLE777

    Erdogan calls Russia's recognition of Ukrainian breakaways 'unacceptable'

    https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/02/erdogan-calls-russias-recognition-ukrainian-breakaways-unacceptable#ixzz7LefLTuhq President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who cut short his visit to Africa after Russia recognizes two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine, expresses support for Zelensky’s...
  11. EAGLE777

    The effectiveness of Bayraktar tb2 drones in Karabakh war

    A footage of the TB2's eradicating armenian forces
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