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  1. khanz

    Why can't Pakistan copy this ?

    This is amazing-Why can't Pakistan implement this kind of policy in some of their major cities ? superior to most cities in South asia and many in Europe. It's funny to see many Pakistanis and south asians look down in general on black africans when they are way ahead of us. Rwanda looks...
  2. khanz

    Hindu Goddess lives on in Pakistan......

    Witness the sea of color that floods western Pakistan every spring to honor the Goddess Sati. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/01/muslim-majority-country-hindu-goddess-lives-pakistan-pictures/
  3. khanz

    Should more Pakistanis make twitter accounts ?

    Roaming around on twitter these last few months had had my blood boiling - I have noticed afghans are using it to malign Pakistan .I think a few are genuine as some are just posting general news relating to Afghanistan but many of them under the guise of students/human rights and journalists...
  4. khanz

    The evil against Pakistan........

    I was thinking with this latest wave of violence it's happened so many times before what is the difference this time and why pakistan waited so long to take action serious again militants and closing the afghan border why pakistani blood is so cheap ? We should have a remembrance thread ...
  5. khanz

    why are people afraid to visit pakistan ?

    pakistan is such a hospitable and beautiful country when people decide to come they are often discouraged from visiting but are pleasantly surprised and end up loving pakistan an find it nothing like what is shown in the west but why is this and when did it start pakistan was well respected in...
  6. khanz

    Pakstan's first female superhero !

    Pop star Haroon is behind a new TV cartoon featuring a burka-clad superhero fighting for girls' education in Pakistan. Move over Wonder Woman and Supergirl, a new female superhero is on the rise and this one shows a lot less skin than her predecessors. Pakistani heroine Burka Avenger is a...
  7. khanz

    PAF rocking out

    PAF PILOTS ROCKZZZZ.mp4 - YouTube :yahoo:
  8. khanz

    the rock vs john cena

    who will win ?
  9. khanz

    PDF comic book corner !

    Going through my old stuff today i came across my old comic books probably haven't seen them in around 2 years i probably had over 1000+ not that much compared to others but still decent considering the resources i had as kid so remind me of my wonderful childhood and nostalgic feelings and how...
  10. khanz

    how come my fashion thread was deleted ?

    why was my thread deleted suddenly ? it was a popular sticky and had been around since 2008 deletion seemed to come out of nowhere:what::cry:
  11. khanz

    request for thread name change......

    Hi mods after seeing a few people get confused over the topic of the thread if possible i would like to please request to change the name of the pakistani fashion to "pakistani showbiz" i feel that title would more true to the purpose of my original thread and be far more accurate and...
  12. khanz

    yes long live higher education in pakistan !!!!!!

    finally pakistan u did something right ISLAMABAD - The officials of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and vice chancellors of various universities have expressed their joy over the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the future of the commission. However, they were little cautious in...
  13. khanz

    whats happening to the world ?

    brazil,australia and now sri-lanka ! Over one million people have been affected by heavy flooding in Sri Lanka. The island is suffering similar problems to those blighting Australia and Brazil and so far 23 people have been killed. The floods have been caused by unusually heavy rains...
  14. khanz

    couple shot after "marriage snub"

    A couple were shot dead in an apparent honour killing after they refused to let their two daughters marry their nephews, a friend said. Gul Wazir and his wife Niaz Begum were eating breakfast when three men burst in and carried out the "revenge" attack. A row erupted when the taxi driver...
  15. khanz

    pakistan unleashed......

    lots of people have asked me about the pics i post here so i figured it was time to share them there is nearly 7000 pics and nearly every pic i have every posted on is from here.Let me just say these are not taken by me they are from dozens of different sources so thanks to them-I just saved...
  16. khanz

    seeing through the modus operandi:don't fall for israeli propoganda

    The Israelis are master propagandists. They know the value of muddying the waters when whatever is floating beneath the surface is not to their advantage for the world to see, be it assassinations or invasions. The paradigm is always to frame the issue on their terms, and to set their storyline...
  17. khanz

    beautiful UK........

    there lots of pictures threads pakistan,india iran etc but none from the country i actually live in- though i was born here i never considered myself british i figured i would show some loyalty and show adopted my country some love by showcasing it's beauty UK members plz post pics here if u...
  18. khanz

    bangladesh faulted for treatment of burmese refugees

    BOSTON (AP) - Tens of thousands of Burmese refugees are being forced into makeshift camps in Bangladesh and face widespread starvation unless they receive more humanitarian aid, according to an international human rights organization's report released Tuesday. The Physicians for Human Rights...
  19. khanz

    pakistan and italy are the same

    really alot of similaties with pakistan :rofl:
  20. khanz

    ISI clearance mandatory for foreigners

    ISI Clearance Mandatory for Visit to Pak, Foreigners told By: Maqbool Malik | Published: December 19, 2009 ISLAMABAD – In a major policy decision, the government has made it mandatory for the Pakistani missions abroad to issue visas to foreigners intending to visit Pakistan only...
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