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  1. H

    Turkey's 61% inflation forces central bank to hike interest rate to 40%

    https://apnews.com/article/turkey-interest-rate-increase-inflation-8cc9cf03ef15d2490ea06935effa76fc So Erdogans "we gonna do what China did in the beginning of the 90's"-economic policy failed miserably! So even a decade ago, when he was an "enemy" of Israel, Turkeys economic relations with...
  2. H

    Palestinians want close Turkey-Israel relations!!!

    Even after two decades he governs Turkey by Kuffar laws, told Egyptians in 2011 to govern by Kuffar laws, says Islamic laws have to adapt to Kuffar laws... But it won't work anymore, not after this Gaza war, it's over, he can fool nobody anymore!
  3. H

    Palestinians want close Turkey-Israel relations!!!

    Turkish FM: Why hasn't Turkey completely cut ties with Israel? | Talk to Al Jazeera I have to admit I'm surprised. Qatar is/was very close with Turkey and Al Jazeera always talked very positively about Turkey, but I guess the Turkish hypocrisy is gigantic, that even Al Jazeera (to maintain a...
  4. H

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    The reason is irrelevant. Turks who hate Germans should be deported. Pakistanis who hate Brits should be deported. Afghans who hate Pakistanis should be deported. And Gazans who hate Blacks should not get empathy from anybody!!!
  5. H

    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    1:03min "Hamas has thanked the Yemeni forces" Yeah, 8 years ago they didn't thank the Houthis at all and wanted them to be defeated, but now ....suddenly....they thank them!!! How disgusting....
  6. H

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    You're wrong, this is exactly the right time, now when they are in a dire situation und demand solidarity from the whole world, now it's time to ask "Where is your solidarity with your black neighboors who you even force to live in a neighbourhood called Al-abeed?! When have you ever made a...
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    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    That's true. But that's their own fault. Had they acted differently in the past, then their present and future wouldn't look so grim. But they have this stupid primitive Arab pride.... Iran taught Hezbollah to forget about their Arab pride and use their brain. If Iran and Hezbollah take up...
  8. H

    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    Many years ago in an interview the former Israeli ambassador to Germany Avi Primor said "In the muslim world only the fighters matter, not the end results"....he didn't elaborate, but he said it with a very big smile on his face.... Well, and he is absolutely right. When someone fights, Muslims...
  9. H

    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    OK, now back to my post #18 When the UK imports robbed Gazan gas, what will Pakistanis in the UK do? Will you take advantage of that gas, or will you because of Muslim solidarity rather freeze in the cold and shower with ice-cold water?
  10. H

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    They came in the beginning of the 1960's, that means 15 years after WW2....they didn't rebuilt anything. Germany was already rebuilt 1953. I can post videos of Blacks in Germany complaining about racism....but they don't complain about racism from Germans, if you know what I mean! It is...
  11. H

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    @waz Yesterday in Berlin, there was a football match between the German national team and the Turkish national team. Just look at the crowd...the Turks there live in Germany since decades and remember, this happened in Berlin in Germany, but it doesnt feel like it is Germany, right...
  12. H

    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    US created Al Qaida and Taliban. Israel created Hamas. US had 9/11 terror attacks. Israel now had 10/7 terror attacks. US intelligence had absolutely no clue about the terror planning, and US air defence curiously didn't work on 9/11. Israeli intelligence had absolutely no clue about the...
  13. H

    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    I wonder how the Muslims in Europe will behave when that happens... Since the boycott of Russian Gas the Europeans are looking eagerly for alternative Gas supplies....and that alternative comes from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. That is also the reason for the unconditional support of...
  14. H

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    Trying to hide the truth by writing irrelevant rants. One simple question: When was the last time you saw the "oppressed" people in Gaza or in the West Bank or anywhere else in the world making a rally for Kashmir??? Has that ever happened in your lifetime? Just once? If not, why do you think...
  15. H

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    One of the most racist countries on earth? Is this a joke? Then why do so many foreigners live in Germany? And why do so many more continue to come to Germany, if it is so racist? I already told you that Germany is NOT racist, stop reading woke left-leaning articles which ride the victimhood...
  16. H

    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    Part 1 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeJHJ8hb/ This smart man is so right with what he is saying. Have Palescumians ever raised their monkey voice for Black people that live in Palescum (or in other Arab countries)? Never!!! And now they seriously demand solidarity from Black people....just...
  17. H

    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    Is there a Palescumian cockroach flying around me? Trying to infest me with his bacteria and dumb diseases.... just disgusting, how unhygenic..... Subhi al-Tufayli, muuuaaahhha, the cockroach that is on Israeli payroll since decades and wants to "resist" Israel just like Scumas resists Israel...
  18. H

    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    Yemeni Houthis are currently attacking Israel, so one may think Palescumians are thankful for that....but no, definitely not!!! One should never forget that when Houthis took the power in Yemen in 2015, Scumas denounced that and supported the Saudi side...
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