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  1. Diligent


    Have my hopes held high, IA will make it through. Thanks once again :tup:
  2. Diligent


    I'm looking forward to it being fixed IA if not then maybe next year. For now, hoping for the best. Thanks for the info.
  3. Diligent


    Hey everyone, Idk if this is the right place for posting this but... I am willing to give ISSB for GDP this year, but I have certain doubts. I have ear problems (commonly referred to as an infection) that might tag along until the test, but both my hearing and eardrum are fine, also my height is...
  4. Diligent

    @Signalian Indeed...

    @Signalian Indeed...
  5. Diligent

    We grow fearless by walking into our fears."

    We grow fearless by walking into our fears."
  6. Diligent

    It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward,how...

    It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward,how much you can take and keep moving forward”
  7. Diligent

    Help regarding ISSB 2017

    Thank you for the info.
  8. Diligent

    Help regarding ISSB 2017

    Hey everyone, aoa I don't know if this is the right place to post this thread , but I have a few questions and I hope I get answered. Okay , so I just finished my first year(fsc) and I'm going to give my second year exams, I wanted to know ,that according to my information the test for GDP...
  9. Diligent

    Thank you for the wish, may you achieve all that you desire in this year as well :)

    Thank you for the wish, may you achieve all that you desire in this year as well :)
  10. Diligent

    If you're willing to be great , to be number one, obsession is necessary.

    If you're willing to be great , to be number one, obsession is necessary.
  11. Diligent


    Thank you :) Thanks :)
  12. Diligent


    Thank you :)
  13. Diligent

    100 million Punjabis should rise against Unjust PML Nawaz blocking KPK-Punjab-Isloo Border

    PMLN is scared it might have to answer for its thef, they rob the people that's okay , but when the people protest they are punished? It's more like one of the robin hood stories , money from the poor to the rich, and yet they hoard like they're gonna sleep with it in the grave , really sad to...
  14. Diligent

    Why Imran Khan divorced Reham Khan?

    As far as making a thread about it , I find it unnecessary to discuss someones personal life , but if you ask compromise is necessary , IK said in talk show with Mubashir luqman that he would never leave her as long as she doesn't , he also accepted her children , gave them respect , moreover...
  15. Diligent

    Who is responsible for the death of this 3 days old baby

    As Muslims we can't hold anyone accountable for someone else's death (excluding murder) , who else is to blame except for the situation itself. May Allah grant the kids parents patience.
  16. Diligent

    Islamabad Dharna 2nd November-News, Updates And Discussions

    I see you're a hater , oh well there's no cure to that , but let me just tell you this , murder is the biggest crime and what happended in model town was not only violence , but also cruelty , even if a thousand buildings are demolished you cannot bring back a life of a person , moreover that...
  17. Diligent


    Im already enjoying out here (forums pretty cool ) , Thank you for letting me know.
  18. Diligent

    Islamabad Dharna 2nd November-News, Updates And Discussions

    IK didnot attack public buildings , that was because of massive shelling by the police, people had no choice but to enter a safer place , no building was damaged , but on the other hand alot of people including women suffered due to excessive ammount of tear gas , if torturing peaceful...
  19. Diligent

    Islamabad Dharna 2nd November-News, Updates And Discussions

    As per the news and what I heard being in Isb , everything is going to be closed.
  20. Diligent


    Hey everyone , im already familiar with the forum but according to the rules will be introducing myself. Okay so i'm in 2nd year FSc and came across this forum while searching for information regarding the ISSB test that I will be giving soon IA , I thought on joining this forum for gaining more...
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