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  1. PAKISTANI-007

    The Professor And The Madman | Movie | Trailer

    Based on the 1998 book `The Surgeon of Crowthorne' by Simon Winchester, the life of Professor James Murray is portrayed as he begins work on compiling words for the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary in the mid-19th century. As he led the overseeing committee, the professor received...
  2. PAKISTANI-007

    Harun Al-Rashid | Abbasid Caliphate | Drama Series

    Harun al-Rashid was the fifth Abbasid Caliph and was given the title "al-Rashid" the "just" or "rightly guided". He ruled from 786 to 809, during the peak of the Islamic Golden Age. This drama series follows Harun al-Rashid's life and career from the moment his older brother, Caliph al-Hadi...
  3. PAKISTANI-007

    First Pakistani YouTube channel with 10 million subscribers

    ARY Digital has become first Pakistani YouTube channel with over 10 million subscribers, biggest in Pakistan and 508th biggest in the world.
  4. PAKISTANI-007

    Indian media claims Antonov abducted by extraterrestrials

    Oh, I thought they were Yetis!
  5. PAKISTANI-007

    آزاد رہو، آباد رہو، آخر تک زندہ باد رہو۔

    آزاد رہو، آباد رہو، آخر تک زندہ باد رہو۔
  6. PAKISTANI-007


    Froggy herself also made fun of another YouTuber girl, Immy Maryam's hijab just because she don't cover her neck unlike Froggy.
  7. PAKISTANI-007

    Disgraceful l Indian Extremists are Celebrating Christchurch Attack, on Social Media

    Admin you should post this on your Facebook page so everyone can see their real face.
  8. PAKISTANI-007

    IOK newspapers publish blank front pages in protest

    Srinagar, March 10 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, several prominent newspapers Sunday published blank front pages to protest against the unexplained denial by the Indian authorities of advertisements to valley-based two leading newspapers Greater Kashmir and Kashmir Reader. The Kashmir Editors...
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