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  1. Bogeyman

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    The USA sent Greece's Eastern Mediterranean theses to the dustbin of history!
  2. Bogeyman

    Featured How Turkey became one of the world’s leading manufacturers of weapons systems

    The Rise of Turkish Defense Industry. What lies behind the Turkish Defense Industry's Success Story?
  3. Bogeyman

    Magnetocaloric Materials and Fundamentals of Magnetic Cooling

    Magnetocaloric Materials and Fundamentals of Magnetic Cooling (Cooling without using superconductors directly concerns warships and submarines, in particular ferromagnetism.) https://file.ttmd.org.tr/makale/90-1.PDF SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF GRAPHENE NANOPLATETLa0.7Ca0.3MnO3 COMPOSITES...
  4. Bogeyman

    Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

    Tübitak National Meteorology Institute has developed a miniature Rubidium atomic clock prototype. The prototype will be qualified by Tübitak Space. http://www.ume.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/haber/turkiye-uzay-ajansi-baskanindan-tubitak-umeye-ziyaret Atomic clocks are considered among the critical...
  5. Bogeyman

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    Greece deployed 12 F-16s in Cyprus.
  6. Bogeyman

    The Pentagon Biological Weapons Research and actions undertaken against Turkey

    Use of Genetically Modified Insects as biological weapons in the US military
  7. Bogeyman

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    Just as the USA supports the PKK, we should give Hamas diplomatic support and even take our citizenship. Thus Turkey is closed to Palestinian policy debate.
  8. Bogeyman

    Turkish Naval Programs

    HAVELSAN will develop the Naval Forces Information System Project for the Naval Forces Command. https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/bilim-teknoloji/havelsandan-havada-karada-ve-denizde-yeni-projeler-/1949866
  9. Bogeyman

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    The Pakistan Navy took delivery of the PNS YARMOOK multipurpose OPV-open sea patrol ship produced at the DAMEN shipyards in Romania in February 2020, and then participated in trainings as part of Operation Mediterranean Shield...
  10. Bogeyman

    Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan)

    Pakistan, Turkey announced that it is ready to enter the war on the side.
  11. Bogeyman

    Turkish Unmanned Vehicle Programs

    I learned from a friend who is an engineer at TAI that the platform is a small plane that was bought for testing.
  12. Bogeyman

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Algeria prepares for vote on constitutional amendments Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune on Wednesday called for preparing to hold a popular referendum on constitutional amendments. Speaking at a cabinet meeting in the capital Algiers, Tebboune said: "I call on you from now to prepare...
  13. Bogeyman

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    In TurAz 2020 exercise, Turkish F-16s participate in Day and Night exercises.
  14. Bogeyman

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Kovid-19 hit the Assad regime in the capital Damascus. There are 112,500 cases. More than 800 people died in 8 days. There are doctors among those who died. https://www.mei.edu/publications/syria-facing-covid-19-catastrophe
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