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  1. EAGLE777

    Turkish TB-2 UCAV is 93% indigenous

    Akıncı currently carries max 1600kg that will soon be improved to 2000kg.
  2. EAGLE777

    Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

    Meanwhile another crowdfunding for Bayraktar TB2’s are taking place this time for Poland. Earlier it was Lituanian people that crowdfunded several TB2’s they already received it. i respect your efforts for independent arms industry but you’re not on our level. Our level on drones is only...
  3. EAGLE777

    Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

    Iranian drones are also assambled in Iran the big difference is these components can be ordered from ali express even by the naked eye if you look at those “drones” closely you realise how low quality it looks. Also this is very strong coming from a person whose country have a “fighter” like...
  4. EAGLE777

    “The Drone Problem”: How the U.S. Has Struggled to Curb Turkey, a Key Exporter of Armed Drones

    Turkey is changing the face of modern warfare with its TB2 drone. As the weapon spreads across the globe, some U.S. lawmakers seek to crack down on the country, saying it’s exploiting its NATO status to obtain key parts from Western manufacturers. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was in a...
  5. EAGLE777

    Is Turkish-Saudi normalization an Iranian nightmare?

    We are defending ourselves. Turkiye has a right to defend itself. Egypt interferes in Sudan and Ethiopia. Egypt does the same.
  6. EAGLE777

    Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

    You do it even now as you speak. Our drones are not assembled they’re battleproven Nato standart state of the art unlike your north korean ali express drones.
  7. EAGLE777

    Putin set to meet Erdogan and Raisi in Iran next week

    Trip announced a day after US warned that Tehran could provide Moscow with hundred of UAVs, some of them weapons-capable, for its war in Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Iran next week, the Kremlin said Tuesday, a day after the US warned that Tehran could provide Moscow with...
  8. EAGLE777

    Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

    The Russians even refused to sell you S300 even after the deal was made and payment was done. Let alone jet engine and missile engine technology for a bunch of drones. Besides they could buy much better ones from China
  9. EAGLE777

    Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

    I think this is fake news Russia would never consider iranian garbage drones but if am wrong then its a huge victory for iranian defence industry if a country like russia which is one of largest weapons exporter in the world uses their drones thats nothing else but a great achievement. another...
  10. EAGLE777

    Thousands celebrate the arrival of Superstar UCAV Bayraktar TB2

    Please do tell us which subsystems from multiple countries? Maybe you're confusing with iranian aliexpress drones.
  11. EAGLE777

    Is Turkish-Saudi normalization an Iranian nightmare?

    Their militias have attacked Turkish military bases in northern iraq and syria several times. Iran interferes in internal affairs of Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Arab states have a right to object against this.
  12. EAGLE777

    Is Turkish-Saudi normalization an Iranian nightmare?

    https://nationalinterest.org/feature/turkish-saudi-normalization-iranian-nightmare-203434 The future of Turkish-Saudi relations will be highly dependent on the choices of the Iranian leadership. On June 22, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) paid his first official visit...
  13. EAGLE777

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    This is absolutely amazing i have no words Mashallah!
  14. EAGLE777

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    great news hayırlı olsun
  15. EAGLE777

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Does it carry all this payload in one go? It will be a massacre Long story short neither Indian nor Greek airdefence stand no chance against Akıncı.
  16. EAGLE777

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    Just as the founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah once said: "Faith, Unity, Discipline" these guys of Bayraktar really believed in their cause and they made it.
  17. EAGLE777

    Türkiye and Italy will deepen cooperation in the defence industry, the Turkish President Erdogan says after a meeting with Italian PM Draghi in Ankara

    If you told 15 years ago that China will become world greatest economy no one would believe it.
  18. EAGLE777

    Türkiye and Italy will deepen cooperation in the defence industry, the Turkish President Erdogan says after a meeting with Italian PM Draghi in Ankara

    Nonsense, unlike the propaganda the S400 will be used whenever necessary and its a very effective system. Whatever goes up also comes down. Nothing remains on top forever. Only God is the Greatest. Turkiye will buy another batch of S400 and there is interest also in S500 however due to...
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