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  1. Spartan King

    Pakistan has twice as many women MPs in India

    even having seats reserved for women has not done us a lot of good. i mean what have our so called women leaders done? NOTHING!! most of the ones that are sitting are family members of politicians and they havent done squat for women in Pakistan, they are just enjoying the perks and nothing else
  2. Spartan King

    India UNSC membership. Withdraw Pakistani UN membership?

    and how exactly would you bring good relations? China will never let India get veto power, because the only country that can emerge as a problem for China is India, and that is the main reason America supports India. Coz they want to set someone against the Chinese. And Pakistan completely...
  3. Spartan King

    India UNSC membership. Withdraw Pakistani UN membership?

    my exact sentiments. even though im sure its a long shot, but Pakistan should try and Pakistan should have some really good lobbying. India should definitely not get the membership as we all know its not neutral towards both its neighbors. so giving the membership to India is completely unjust.
  4. Spartan King

    Who’s Whose Enemy & Friend

    what he says is completely true, but this is old news, everyone knows this except the dumb politicians. Indians never have accepted the fact that we came into existence, Russia never liked us because of the anti-expansionist stance we took during the end of the soviet era and well the...
  5. Spartan King

    ww3 senario and pakistan

    Pakistan is going to be one of the front players in the WW3, like the thread starter said, he doesnt want this to be an Pakistan -India war thread, but my friends its inevitable. Indians are looking for excuses to attack and i think WW3 would be sufficient for them. Muslim nations will look...
  6. Spartan King

    Imran writes letter to Brown, lashes out at Altaf

    i completely agree with you guys, imran khan has no purpose in life except to cry. he talks about democracy, when he himself is running a one man party. the guy seriously needs to set his priorities straight. i really felt disgusted, when he gave an interview to a reporter of CNN regarding the...
  7. Spartan King

    Photographs of Ajmal Kassab

    If you have any reservation as to how people are talking, then leave this thread, nobody really cares as to what you have to say on this matter. I dont know if you have ever seen the documentaries 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and 'Loose Change' those are 'hard' facts, and watching them can clearly prove...
  8. Spartan King

    Pak nuclear programme faces 35 pc cut

    All i have to say in this regard is that, thought our country is going through tough times, we should still not neglect our defense budget (nuclear programme comes into that).After Allah and His blessings, It is the one thing thats keeping Pakistan on the world map. I'm not saying that we should...
  9. Spartan King

    Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry restored as Chief Justice of Pakistan

    I don't see why people are so excited about the return of the chief justice Iftikhar Chaudry. I mean the man is 'overly' politicized now. He hadn't made a significant contribution as the Chief Justice before being kicked out, and nor has he made any difference since he has returned. I mean...
  10. Spartan King

    Pakistan May Seek Chinese Interceptor Missile Defense.

    i agree with yh1, that our armed forces should first develop a good arsenal of HQ-2's, which are obviously more affordable and once we have them planted at several important location, we can always pursue the HQ-9 project....but HQ-2 placed strategically at the eastern border is something our...
  11. Spartan King

    Barbaric Gujrat Massacre - The Truth Behind The Story

    very very disturbing. Indians purposefully ignore the atrocities in their country and blame Us, the Pakistani's for everything. Their so entangled in cross border terrorism that they forget whats happening in their own country. we all know how India loves the 'blame game' even if an...
  12. Spartan King

    hey imran sorry for a very late reply, i came to defence pk after a very very long time..but...

    hey imran sorry for a very late reply, i came to defence pk after a very very long time..but sure... my names Danial Arshad and would be honored to befriend you. take cares and Salaamualaikum
  13. Spartan King

    Ansar Burney deported from India

    well said brother!
  14. Spartan King

    Ansar Burney deported from India

    there always to sides of the coin here lad.... :pakistan:
  15. Spartan King

    Ansar Burney deported from India

    what you expect? Indians have always hated Pakistani's, its just a matter of not showing it. and in some cases they even have.
  16. Spartan King

    Unholy laws

    Another thing, i saw that this article was mainly based on the fact that Christians were being targeted, Their own religion permisses them to kill anyone who blasphemies againts Christianity Take the blasphemer outside the camp. Have all those who heard him place their hands on his head...
  17. Spartan King

    Unholy laws

    ok, so I agree that there is no law stipulating that one should be sentenced to death if he blasphemies against Islam, non that I could find, but you tell me something, whats the remedy for this solution? we all have people to blame, blame Zia Ul Haq, blame the 'mullas' but what good does it...
  18. Spartan King

    Why Musharraf Is a Safer Bet for Pakistan

    Im sorry to say, but you have no base on what your saying..whatever your saying is just waht you see in the media..... tell me something, have you ever been to a madrassah? what prove do you have that the madrassah's who've been the guardians of our faith since the Holy Prophet's (SAW) time...
  19. Spartan King

    Comment by 'Spartan King' in media 'IMGP0879_1_'

    mashAllah! Pakistan Zindabad!
  20. Spartan King

    Why Musharraf Is a Safer Bet for Pakistan

    Neo, yes i agree with you a 100% I was a very pro-musharraf person all my life, the guy was decent, ethical, not corrupt at all, and most of all sensible..but tell me something brother, what has Pakistan become? after all of these financial improvements, whats the law and order situation? and...
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