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6 Mtn Divisions attack on Chawinda on Sep 18/19?


Mar 11, 2006
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I have always been facinsted by this attack (the last major one of that battle). It came at a time when a ceasefire was imminent and also there was little chance that a capture of Chawinda would see Sialkot fall 9as had been the case for most of the battle).

When they 6th attacked every gun ranging from officers pistols to 8' inch howitzers poured upon them fire coming from Sialkot to Pasrur. The PAF rained death upon them. They still very bravely continued on in face of it, until a few elements actually entered Chawinda itself (the only Indians to do so throughout the battle.) but they were cut to pieces by the tanks ofn 25th cav. The division itself disintegreted.

On their right 1 AD was blissfully unaware of this distaster and launched its own supporting attack, when it was jumped upon by the 6th AD and the PA 1 AD, and was crippled, with Hodson's Horse taking heavy casulties in particular. The divisions would be crippled and only the determined efforts of the IAF coupled with the dilatory actions of the mailed fist helped it to escape. It was sent back to India and played no further part in the war.

Now the question arises, why was this attack launched at all? As I mentioned above the Indians could nio longer hope to take Sialkot, the importance of Chawinda was the key to Sialkot had by now diminshed (unlike when they last launched their attacks on the 15/16th). So why the assualt?
Is is symptomatic of the unduly high importance both sides placed on that town.
The 6 Mtn Div attack was an operation that was posponed for about 3 days before it went in. It was earlier supposed to go in along with 1 Armd Div (Indian). Later by 17th Sep or so 1 Armd Div handed over the front to 6 Mtn Div. There was'nt much effort put into it and was rightly aborted after a day or so. It made no sense.

It appears to be one of those attacks that were made just for the heck of it.
Well did the whole Chawinda battle make sence. I mean the Sialkot sector was the Battle for Chawinda basically. I have always felt the Indians placed an undue importamce on Chawinda.

Also IIRC 1 AD was involved in 6 Mtn Divs attack, they launched a supporting attack by crossing the Alhar railroad. Hodson Horse got into trouble at the hands of 19th lancers and 25 Cav.

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