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Extremists target mosque in Greece, hang anti-Islam banners

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Well Christians are attacked and killed in turkey. While we have at least one or two mosque in Greece, no churches in Turkey can be build new. Even repairs on old ones are not allowed.
Don't worry. there will be plenty of Mosques in Athens soon and the Turkish flag will be flying from them.
How am i racist? Since when is religion race? You think im against syrian christians ect?

I have nothing against muslims. I travel Egypt and have zero problem with any religion. What i dont want is that you expect us to care for muslims while rich muslim countries like UAE and Saudi Arabia do nothing.

Its easy, first those muslim countries must help their brothers. Its their family after all. We can help by flying those migrants to Dubai or Saudi Arabia. Im sure we can agree on that.

There is nothing racist about that

This is called ethnic cleansing. Most countries that have tried this have already become, or on the way of becoming, failed states.

Myanmar is a classic example of a failed state, trying to impinge on the sovereign birth-rights of people based on nothing else but them being Muslims - and then driving them out of the country to be refugees.

Failed states will not develop intellectually or economy-wise and will fall farther and farther back in societal and economic evolution. They will stop attracting FDI. This is proven. Look at where Myanmar is today. We would not wish this on the Myanmarese, but Suu kyi sided with the military Junta and we see the result.

President Erdogan and his wife were some of the first foreign dignitaries to visit the Rohingya refugee camps - because they cared about these destitute people, who literally had nothing. Nothing.

We Bangladeshis know who are our friends and friends of people like the Rohingyas. Caring about other humans are true human qualities - not the qualities of ethnic cleansing types.

There are two kinds of people in the world. You have human folks, then you have animals.

The Turkish people (who have enormous hearts) will always be our friends.

I don't know if Greece is a failed state yet - by definition. Going by what I hear from the educated Greek folks (academicians) in California - may be it is, with Nazi parties sprouting right and left.

Only tourism keeping it alive now unfortunately. Not the sign of an "innovation economy".

I haven't seen very many industrial products coming out of Greece.

Only some shipbuilding maybe and some agricultural products like Kalamata olives, Feta Cheese and Olive oil.

Maybe you can prove me wrong.
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Saudis Dubai are not responsible for you getting immigration reaching Germany.

Control your hooligans, or turkey will last time they stayed for 4 hundred years. You are all Turkish dna

and Turks are Roman DNA....
کچھ لوگ اب بھی یہی کہیں گے کہ کوئی بات نہیں اسلام تو بس امن کا درس دیتا ہے۔

Agroup of Greek extremists targeted a mosque in Dimetoka (Didymoteicho), a town near the Turkish-Greek border, in an Islamophobic attack, media reports said Tuesday.

The extremists on Monday hung anti-Islam banners across the Çelebi Sultan Mehmet Mosque. "The Islamization of Meriç (Evros) must be stopped immediately" read the banners.
The Turkish minority in Greece strongly condemned a provocative Islamophobic poster on Tuesday that was placed near a mosque in northern Greece.

The Friendship, Equality and Peace Party (DEB) – a party popular among Greece's Turkish minority – condemned the attack.

"They (the attackers) are trying to shape our minority according to their own perspectives by ignoring the religion of the Western Thrace Muslim Turkish minority, whose race is unjustly denied in our country," said DEB in a written statement and added that the incident was regrettable.

The statement said that it is imperative that Turks of Western Thrace, who live in peace in the region without discriminating against people, language, religion or race, are treated as they deserve and should be taken as an example, and added, "We strongly condemn (the attack) and such fascist thoughts, and also wish them to end as soon as possible."

A leading minority figure in Didymoteicho, Suleyman Macir, told the minority Birlik newspaper that Muslims and Christians co-existed in the region for a long time and Islamophobic attacks have no place in the region.

"We, as the minority, have some problems. Yet, never before did such an insulting attack on our religion occur," he said, stressing that the community expects respect for their beliefs as they show respect for the beliefs of others.

Greece's Western Thrace region, which includes Evros, is home to about 150,000 Muslim Turks.

The country's unwelcoming stance toward its Muslim population is not a new phenomenon. For instance, up until recently, Athens was known as the only European capital without a mosque, even though there are an estimated 300,000 Muslims in the greater Athens area. Back in November 2020, for the first time since the 19th century, Athens witnessed the inauguration of an official mosque, as years of efforts by the Muslim community finally paid off.

Turkey has long decried Greek violations of the rights of its Muslim and Turkish minority, from closing down mosques and historic mosques crumbling away, denying to recognize Muslims' election of their own muftis. These actions violate the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne as well as the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) verdicts, making Greece a state that flouts the law, Turkish officials say.

Similarly, the election of muftis, or Islamic clerics, by Muslims in Greece has become yet another point of contention that caused trouble for the Muslims in the country. Even though it is regulated by the 1913 Treaty of Athens – a Greek-Ottoman Empire pact that Athens implemented in 1920 – that gives the community the right to elect their own muftis, however, in 1991, in violation of international law, Greece annulled the treaty and unlawfully started to appoint the muftis itself.

The muftis appointed by the Greek state have since usurped local Muslims' right of jurisdiction on family and inheritance matters. As a result, the majority of Muslim Turks in Western Thrace do not recognize the Greek appointed muftis and instead elect their own.

I didn't know there was a Turkish population still in Greece. Wow! This is news to me!
This is called ethnic cleansing. Most countries that have tried this have already become, or on the way of becoming, failed states.
Where the f did you see "ethnic cleansing"?
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