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Krash - please reopen my thread

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Mar 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
First of all you've got no right to threaten me. Behaviour like that brings forums into disrepute. I've been associated with this forum and the old pdf for over 20 years and never have I done anything banworthy, So get down off your box.

Secondly my thread had 2 parts to it.

1. Why my post was deleted.
2. Why the double standard around violent images.

That exact same picture is on this forum on other threads. There are pictures of chopped hands and feet in the Congo on this forum. There are pictures of dead terrorists killed by our security forces on this forum. None of those posts have been deleted - so why mine?

The moderation team needs to display some consistency. I personally find the pictures of funeral pyres in India disturbing. They portray human beings being burnt to death in public places. They're splattered all over the media - including pdf.

Whatever the rules of the forum are, I'm happy to abide by them but I expect consistency in moderation.

@WebMaster @PDF @waz @PakSword @Irfan Baloch @krash

Can you guys make a judgement between yourselves about what rules you are going to enforce and when?

Like I said - that exact same picture has been posted before. I'm going to try and find it.
I found them...

Algerian skulls and heads...

Congolese children's limbs

Dead TTP commander

@krash i hope you can see my perspective.

From my point of view if someone found it disturbing and reported it and you've deleted it that's fine.

But if you look at the content on the forum there is no way you'd think that image was put of line.

I'm not precious about the post. I did want an explanation which I now have and I would appreciate it if it was without unnecessary threats ans shutting down my opportunity to respond.

Feel free to close this thread BTW. I've said everything I wanted to on the matter.
First of all you've got no right to threaten me. Behaviour like that brings forums into disrepute. I've been associated with this forum and the old pdf for over 20 years and never have I done anything banworthy, So get down off your box.

Secondly my thread had 2 parts to it.

1. Why my post was deleted.

Please stop posting one infantile thread after the other. Your pretense of entitlement and deliberately deceptive claims will not intimidate anyone.

The forum rules clearly state that the act that you defend, i.e. posting graphic pictures of freshly severed heads, is punishable with a permanent ban. I showed you leniency and only deleted your post. You, in response, decided to act like an infant and started throwing hissy fits. I showed you the official rule and how you were shown leniency. Also told you why and how what you had posted was inappropriate. Now you claim that that was a threat? I don't need to threaten you. If you do not follow the rules, I have enough tools at my disposal to ensure that you do not do it again. The only reason I have not thus far is because I do not want to. Do not take another's lenience for weakness and a false sense of power for yourself. The slack always runs out.

2. Why the double standard around violent images.

That exact same picture is on this forum on other threads. There are pictures of chopped hands and feet in the Congo on this forum. There are pictures of dead terrorists killed by our security forces on this forum. None of those posts have been deleted - so why mine?

The moderation team needs to display some consistency. I personally find the pictures of funeral pyres in India disturbing. They portray human beings being burnt to death in public places. They're splattered all over the media - including pdf.

Whatever the rules of the forum are, I'm happy to abide by them but I expect consistency in moderation.

@WebMaster @PDF @waz @PakSword @Irfan Baloch @krash

Can you guys make a judgement between yourselves about what rules you are going to enforce and when?

Like I said - that exact same picture has been posted before. I'm going to try and find it.

Thanks for letting us know. Now please proceed to reporting those posts so that appropriate action can be taken against them. If it still isn't, then raise your concerns against the quality of moderation at General Headquarters.
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In reply box itself, there is a text that says graphic pics/vids are not allowed. If they exist else where it is probably because one of the mods haven't seen it. We have millions of posts, so help us remove them by reporting.
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