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PDF - Please get a handle of these chinese troll bots which are overwhelming PDF

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Jul 12, 2013
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South Africa
South Africa

This is a general complaint. We are requesting that these chinese bot patrol needs to be censored or have a quota imposed.

These trolls have made a mess of this forum. Enough is Enough. If we call them for who they are - e.g. Xi Eunuch brigade - this is called Insulting a nationality and we get hit with warnings.

Since when is Xi a God? He is just a man. We are living in a free world but since when is insulting Xi an insult to the CHinese. Is this now a Chinese forum?

These trolls insult us using religion, race and all other words under the sun or even go after our mothers; it is all allowed but calling them W..O is not? If this is the sense, have the moderators taken any look at the insults these trolls give out?

Ask any chinese in normal life what they think of these people. They will all tell you, these are kids who are unemployed that the party is paying to promote their propaganda and harass people.

I ask all sane PDFS to call them for who they are. Until this forum demands a clean up of these trolls - Indians or Chinese - this forum will continue to degrade.

@SQ8 @aziqbal @HRK @The Eagle @waz @Irfan Baloch
Lol coming from a [edited]. The mods should go ahead and ban you instead @waz.. Such rants against our respected members is against rules
REally....if this is coming from a muslim; i kindly remind you are insulting someone who is a person of the book.

Sad... this shows the state of decay and points clearly that this forum has decayed to the trolls whims.

Anyway, cheers.
in china gov pay for every post ask your gov to do same
No need.. have everything in life Imran. Paid days are gone.
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@denel It is the same as with any hyper nationalist mindset so very few will come with a balanced view regardless of which why they lean. No different than Indian trolls or Turkish ones or Pakistani ones. Unfortunately, because only 10% of a member cadre is actually nuanced and polished enough on how to actually interact online and the rest is just jingoistic mob mentality you will constantly see complaints of quality on PDF which has worsened due to the increased polarization in the world. I suggest using the approach of ignoring members whose 1&0 content efforts are equal to fecal matter and engage only where pertinent. Not everyone has to be replied to or even considered worthy of glancing at their posts. After all, if you get a newspaper stand and 90% of it is tabloids you have the choice to pick what you read.

REally....if this is coming from a muslim; i kindly remind you are insulting someone who is a person of the book.

Sad... this shows the state of decay and points clearly that this forum has decayed to the trolls whims.

Anyway, cheers.

No need.. have everything in life Imran. Paid days are gone.
never quote a hateful post. it is really shameful behavior while at the same time respect is demanded from the rest of the world by same class of people.
Give respect and have it in return as well. Don't take matters in your hand instead report in detail and move on without quoting back or replying. If such method is applied, trolls will be dealt accordingly. Incase of doing so in return, no difference is made. Avoid instigating others as they might complain.

Trolls aren't nationality particular. They do exist with different flags.

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