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Suggestion: Stopping of opening threads on all topics not related to Pakistan and other than Defense/Security concepts.

What do you think about the daily contents of the forum?

  • I would like to see and discuss more security and military tech focused topics.

  • I am very interested in irrelevant content outside the scope of the forum.

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Mar 2, 2018
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Suggestion: Stopping of opening threads on all topics not related to Pakistan and other than Defense/Security concepts.

Can we be a more refined, purposeful, professional-level forum for defence, aerospace, maritime, and other security/geopolitical issues?

I'm assuming that 99% of forum visitors aim to learn about these topics, but there is a complete bombardment of off-topic information, especially in less specific sections, such as World Affairs subs. In addition, this flexibility leads to organized groups or individually obsessed people systematically trolling the forum. There have been examples of this in the past, and there have been those who went so far as to take the forum captive to their purpose, so to speak.

How can we make people more visible (or to be a center of attraction again) on the forum who are really in the focus of topics such as defense and aerospace and who are really knowledgeable about the topics they talk about. That was my question, before coming with this suggestion to you...

I believe that as the PDF forum strengthens its purpose-oriented publication policy, it will carry its unique position in its field to a more privileged point and increase its reference value as a respected forum of the sector.

I would like to thank in advance to all members who will not spare their opinions on this subject. Let's talk about how to make PDF awesome again.

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