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Assam updates....After Kashmir Assam put on halt with indefinite curfew...

You can shove your Bengali whatever up your rear, my apologies dear friend!
You seem to be very confused, torn between some latent Muslim-loathing Hindutva tendencies and the stark reality that Modi screwed your cute little statelet.

Once you've done resolving your problems with Delhi, then you should pick fights with Bangladesh and Pakistan.
You seem to be very confused, torn between some latent Muslim-loathing Hindutva tendencies and the stark reality that Modi screwed your cute little statelet.

Once you've done resolving your problems with Delhi, then you should pick fights with Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Our fight was always against Pakistan and Bangladesh. Greater Bengal was never the construct of the Indian Union. Your ancestors wanted to usurp our North East and when they failed owing to the diligence of our visionary leaders you tried the demographic option. Your folks may be resilient but one quick stroke of fate and you will scurry back to your pit.

Modi and Hindutva doesn't feature here. We are the masters of our fate.
Our fight was always against Pakistan and Bangladesh. Greater Bengal was never the construct of the Indian Union. Your ancestors wanted to usurp our North East and when they failed owing to the diligence of our visionary leaders you tried the demographic option. Your folks may be resilient but one quick stroke of fate and you will scurry back to your pit.

Modi and Hindutva doesn't feature here. We are the masters of our fate.
Masters of your own fate?? You want to be left alone but you're at the centre of every news report. Delhi will use you to push through its agenda of averting Muslim majorities in Indian states - and for that to happen, you will have to get chummy with Bengali Hindus despite your denials of reality. Bangladesh will use you to offload Bengali Hindus and Muslims onto. Pakistan will use you to break India up.

Assam will be used as a pawn in a greater game, as is its worth.

And here's you thinking you're masters of something.
you will have to get chummy with Bengali Hindus despite your denials of reality. Bangladesh will use you to offload Bengali Hindus and Muslims onto. Pakistan will use you to break India up
Let me tell you a secret, we need the Bengali Hindus in Assam as a counterweight against the miyas(Bengali Muslims). Because the Bengali Hindus already bore the brunt of the Bengali muslims back in Bangladesh. The same Bengali muslims that even our Assamese Muslim brothers loathe, for they are the numero uno t@rrorists, smugglers, traffickers, poachers etc: oh, and they breed like rabbits. Bengali Hindus detest your miyas more than us Assamese. Bottom-line, no one in Assam likes your Bengali miyas and their Pakistani admirers.
Let me tell you a secret, we need the Bengali Hindus in Assam as a counterweight against the miyas(Bengali Muslims). Because the Bengali Hindus already bore the brunt of the Bengali muslims back in Bangladesh. The same Bengali muslims that even our Assamese Muslim brothers loathe, for they are the numero uno t@rrorists, smugglers, traffickers, poachers etc: oh, and they breed like rabbits. Bengali Hindus detest your miyas more than us Assamese. Bottom-line, no one in Assam likes your Bengali miyas and their Pakistani admirers.
Keep scheming away. Just remember that someone is scheming better than you.
Keep scheming away. Just remember that someone is scheming better than you.
This is a fight for our survival, to safeguard our language, religion and culture from the relentless attack of the illegal Bangladeshi miyas. Things will happen spontaneously, there is nothing to scheme..
This is a fight for our survival, to safeguard our language, religion and culture from the relentless attack of the illegal Bangladeshi miyas. Things will happen spontaneously, there is nothing to scheme..

feeling cool???

Such unrest in many states has to do with some wrong policies of modi. India is no more secular state. Modi has ruined such long secular history.
Why not Bengali Hindus
Reasons are manifold:
Bangladeshi Bengali Hindus in Assam are not involved in anti national and anti social activities like the miyas. They are staunch nationalists.

Their TFR is even lower than us Assamese Hindus.

Their numbers in Assam are miniscule compared to the illegal Bangladeshi miyas.

Most importantly, if they were to be deported miyas would overrun Assam in a couple of decades and no one can stop the likes of Badruddin Ajmal to become Assam's CM and destroy our culture and heritage.

Hence, i have always maintained that those protesting against CAA in Assam are doing our state a great disservice. We need the Bangladeshi Bengali Hindus in Assam now more than ever.
Assam is a waste of space a state filled by bloody muslim thats eating up hindu majority resources we never wanted Assam good move by Siri Modi ki g after emergency he will get rid of Assam and #makeIndiaGreatAgain!-Bahkt logic

is that a skirt?
The famous RSS Chaddi.....lots of Indians on PDF are proud to wear it.
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