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Lt Gen Asim Munir selected as new army chief

Your argument is of course sound but it is too complicated for the average awami mind that has never evolved beyond the herd mentality of "maira baba baba, taira baba kutta."

Are we slow as a nation? I don't know. But the level of discourse certainly suggests so. My life is an endless cycle of telling people that just because I object to baba X's actions doesn't mean I'm baba Y's murshid and vice versa. That someone can make judgements based on principles is a concept that breaks the average brain for some reason. I don't care if this feels like talking down to people. It's frustrating and it is what it is.
I think this problem is the fundamental problem... and the difference between a first-world society and the rest. It's not just Pakistan, but the countries that can't operate on the latter are always, without fail, behind. The moment it changes, the country takes a remarkable 180, e.g., China in the late-1970s or Vietnam more recently.
From now on, each general will be judged by his performance.

There is no romance now. Its all hard core basics. You get the salary and privileges from us, you do your f**king job. An army chief is just a grade 22 officer. But its us who have made them believe they are kings.

A Major General is involved in murder attempt. He cant be named in FIR. And we believe we have bright future!

This army has blood on its hands. We believe Imran Khan as he never lies. But its army leadership which has to prove to us that it stands with the nation and not with the crooks.
All is lost.

Awam is just scrounging for scraps of the remaining hollow husk of this wretched country.

After what happened on the night when Imran Khan was ousted from his premiership, I decided to never give up on Pakistan. I thought that Imran Khan would become history. I became extremely depressed and angry at how we let this happen. But then, It was every city, every village, and every house that felt the shockwave created in Islamabad, and declared the martial law in Pakistan null and void.

The next morning, Imran Khan very confidently said, "Izzat Allah deta hai."

Then in the coming months, we saw how the tyranny of the Pakistan Army was exposed to the people of Pakistan. Every child in 6th grade and above, who read indoctrinating books on Pakistan history and politics, started to question the role of a security force in ruling the country.

We are scrounging for scraps right now and almost everything is lost. We are back to square one. But giving up on this wretched country will be a life wasted.

After what happened on the night when Imran Khan was ousted from his premiership, I decided to never give up on Pakistan. I thought that Imran Khan would become history. I became extremely depressed and angry at how we let this happen. But then, It was every city, every village, and every house that felt the shockwave created in Islamabad, and declared the martial law in Pakistan null and void.

The next morning, Imran Khan very confidently said, "Izzat Allah deta hai."

Then in the coming months, we saw how the tyranny of the Pakistan Army was exposed to the people of Pakistan. Every child in 6th grade and above, who read indoctrinating books on Pakistan history and politics, started to question the role of a security force in ruling the country.

We are scrounging for scraps right now and almost everything is lost. We are back to square one. But giving up on this wretched country will be a life wasted.

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I went out and took my friends with me to a protest in Manchester the day after IK was removed from office. One of my friend came from out of the city and kept saying what's the point of this? What will we achieve by protesting?

Next day, Imran khan came out reinvigorated by the scenes he had seen and resigned from assemblies and said 'Izzat Allah deta hai' and decided to take the fight to establishment.

Month after month we saw the fight intensify. I always remind my friend now about that day when he said 'what difference would it make?'.

Well it made a massive difference as it made Khan realise this country had changed forever and the people were with him!

What protection bro?

He literally escaped an assassination attempt!
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He should not be anti anyone.

He is a grade 22 officer, that is it.

He should be doing whatever his boss (technically the secretary defence, then defence minister, and finally the PM) tell him to do.

He should have no say in anti-corruption drives, in political moves, in local social media monitoring, and so on and so forth.

That is where the whole problem starts with, when he has to be anti someone, or pro someone.

IK corruption karta hai, jail main dalo, phansi lagao, but it should be FIA/NAB/FBR that does it, not army. And speaking of which, what exactly is the qualification of karnails and birgadiers in investigations of financial crimes keh poora NAB in say bhara hua hai?

I've mentioned this case many times before on PDF, but when someone I know got into trouble with NAB (long story why they got in trouble in the first place), the IO said aap koi fauji contact dhoondain, unhi ki sifarish chalti hai idhr.

Yeah, he made some good buddies in MES during those years!
Do realize that his task as DGI was to help NAB complete the work on the corruption cases against the then PML leadership for cases, that PPP had lodged, at the direction of the PTI government. Remember the accountability mantra which formed the basis of PTI's campaign? Using the ISI to help move things forward was a key component of that. So now, if he (DGI) sees someone on the sitting PM's side involved in something underhand, do I or you as a Pakistani want him to overlook that because IK is our Banda while he is supposed to assist the ongoing investigation and JIT work on only the corruption cases against NS?

Lets also not apply the overly simplistic "he is a grade 22 officer" logic. The reality is that CoAS is unlike any other BPS-22 officer in Pakistan. Anyone who thinks differently or idealistically is being oblivious to reality.

"IK corruption karta hai, jail main dalo, phansi lagao, but it should be FIA/NAB/FBR that does it, not army." So why did the PTI government task their DGI to get involved? Perhaps IK should not have brought in ISI at all by setting the right precedence as you are calling for.
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Do realize that his task as DGI was to help NAB complete the work on the corruption cases [...] Using the ISI to help move things forward [...]
[...] why did the PTI government task their DGI to get involved? Perhaps IK should not have brought in ISI at all by setting the right precedence as you are calling for?
IK has answered that notion multiple times.

IK says he had no real control over NAB, even FIA. Establishment (read Bajwa) was controlling them.

Here's few minutes from meeting between some jornalists and IK:

3:35+ neutrals (read Bajwa) didn't want IK to pursue corruption cases
5:12+ PTI taking action against own government members (e.g. link)
7:55+ who was running NAB/courts, & IK had no real control over NAB
11:45+ Establishment (read Bajwa), the actual controllers of NAB kept lying to IK
13:23+ example of people "they" (read Bajwa) told IK to take onboard (e.g. link)

He's rumoured to be an anti IK guy...

Based on some indications I am of the opinion that Munir being anti-IK rumors were also spread by "them" (read Bajwa).
"They" always put the onus on civilians. That has always been the case. because they are brave right. Brave people have guns. Brave people don't own up to their actions and have others take the responsibility right.

"They" fed bad reviews about Munir to IK
"They" fabricated or exaggerated "complaints from Iran" story
"They" fabricated story that Munir asked bribe from Master Tile CEO for a favour
"They" told IK to replace Munir, that's wasn't IK's own action (if true then Munir would hold grudge against "them", NOT against IK)
IK has said multiple times he wasn't even thinking of next COAS, indicates that IK never bothered about appointments within military "جس کا کام اسی کو ساجھے" then someone wants us to believe that it was IK who removed Munir. Ridiculous at best.

So Munir pointing out wife's corruption wasn't the only bakwas floated around.
If there was any to begin with, those who were willing to kill IK, openly threaten to squash his head, spreading propaganda and allegations of blasphemy against IK, wouldn't they be quick to prove in courts that corruption by his wife. All these pathetic scum could come up with was a botched story of a watch.

Rumors I have heard (about reasons for Asim Munir not being IK's choice) so far are that
Amin Munir was removed/not liked by IK because:
(1)..Iran had complaints against him
(2)..he pointed out IK's wife's corruption
(3)..he asked 70 cror from Master Tile CEO & CEO wrote letter to IK
(4)..he was pro-Nawaz.
(5)..he wasn't liked by top military Generals because he was withdrawn & wouldn't socialize and because he didn't came via Kakul and no COAS has ever been from OTS
[I don't know the meaning of this very last OTS thing though]

All seem unsubstantiated and even planted propaganda.
Another e.g.
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Looks like it was a fake story spread by Indian's through or in guise of MQM London account.
e.g. this tweep is spreading hashtag promoted by Indians

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Isn't this lady in scarf picture the same whose call was played by ISPR?
Where she was asking MQM hitmen to "kiss on the neck".

So the account demeaning Asim Munir is Indian sponsored account of MQM London terrorist
Which makes Asim Munir an angel automatically, doesn't it?

Throwing in some extra :lol:

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Hoping some positive outcome from New COAS and his new team which would play its role in settling down current political situation in the country.
Coming few days will clear dimensions.
Do realize that his task as DGI was to help NAB complete the work on the corruption cases against the then PML leadership for cases that PPP had lodged at the direction of the PTI government. Remember the accountability mantra which formed the basis of PTI's campaign? Using the ISI to help move things forward was a key component of that. So now, if he (DGI) sees someone on the sitting PM's side involved in something underhand, do I or you as a Pakistani want him to overlook that because IK is our Banda while he is supposed to assist the ongoing investigation and JIT work on only the corruption cases against NS?

Respectfully, the case against PML was going on waayy before PTI came into power.

When did Panama leaks came into being? When did the JIT get formed by the SC? When did Nawaz Sharif get disqualified? For which period was Nawaz Sharif blaming Bajwa and Faiz for his disqualification? Was it all under PTI government?

Secondly, when did NAB came into being and since when has it been staffed with retired army officers? Did it start happening under the PTI govt?

Lets also not apply the overly simplistic "he is a grade 22 officer" logic. The reality is that CoAS is unlike any other BPS-22 officer in Pakistan. Anyone who thinks differently or idealistically is being oblivious to reality.

And therein lies the problem. Dejure and defacto in Pakistan have a wide gulf, and that needs to be shortened. Do I mean that the COAS should be reduced to a clerk or a normal secretary? NO. The position does command a certain level of respect, and it does need to provide input on a whole range of problems.

"IK corruption karta hai, jail main dalo, phansi lagao, but it should be FIA/NAB/FBR that does it, not army." So why did the PTI government task their DGI to get involved? Perhaps IK should not have brought in ISI at all by setting the right precedence as you are calling for?

Please refer to the first point.

And secondly, even if IK did bring in the ISI to go after them, then he was in the wrong then as well. Which I have maintained since long, don't know if you are aware of my old posts from around the election period.

Just to quote another example, when Big B got an extension, us waqt to halat achay thay between PTI and estab. But at that moment I was vehemently against the extension, and criticized the PTI decision, even to the opposition of quite a few. So this isn't something which spawned on me recently, so please do not put me in that category who just had a recent breakup with the estab.
Versus Gen K and others Musharraf was a very mediocre general and his contributions are not any worthwhile to the army overall. Not only that, the team he selected and which led during initial WoT did the same as in Kargil and literally fed soldiers to the Waziristan/Bajaur meat grinder despite many warnings by junior officers.

Shaukat Aziz made a fool out of everyone especially with the aid Pakistan was getting and other than facade of consumerism there was no actual development in Pakistan and the he made his millions through the stock market and was gone.

The NRO was just his last act in trying to hold onto his seat which is what all dictators(and quasi dictators) do
Salala, OBL Raid, Daily bombings from 2008 to 2013 under his watch, spearheading NRO 1.0 negotiation with Condoleezza Rice and the absolute mockery of the economy and country through full blown corruption by PPP under his blessings...and Oh yeah that little matter of Bahria Town empire flourishing and growing exponentially under patronage of his own brother...

Kiyani was a sleepy eye dud and about the only accomplishment this frankenstein dopple ganger made was supposedly picking a qausi modern uniform for the armed forces...bravo...
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What Lt Gen Ishfaq Nadeem have to say about the new COAS:

The deceiver
He already deceived army by staying 2 extra months and getting Throne

Who he's deceive next?
I hope not people of Pakistan

میرے عزیز ہم وطنوں:
آپ نے 6 سال حاجی کی ربڑی کھائی اب اگلے 3 سال حافظ کا حلوہ کھائیں۔
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