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TTP releases statement positioning itself as an Afghan nationalist organisation aimed at dismantling Pakistan

Pakistan would be better off without Pashtoons, we should have saved Bengali's and get rid of Pashtoons, they live like barbarians and they won't let Pakistan prosper at all.
So far Pakistan has been very successful in eliminating TTP leaders inside Afghanistan. TTP has been issuing statements and doing small scale attacks only. However, with Pakistan economy going to the dogs, it will result in bold steps by TTP. Hafiz Asim Munir cannot handle war on these two fronts. The only solution is to implement Islamic economic and political system which will solve the problems of poverty and bring in the TTP as an extra unconventional force in service of the country. After that leave the American system and stop making interest payments to IMF as it is against Islam. Then make a European Union like arrangement with Iran and Afghanistan with no customs duties and visa free travel. Then join the Chinese and Russian camp. General Hameed Gul (late) said to tell them that these loans neither taken with our consent and nor spent on us. Additionally, I add that most of the loans are utilized in unneeded civil and military projects and is siphoned back to the West as payment to Western contractors or corruption money and is lying in Western banks in the accounts of politicians and civil and military officers.

Is it?


War On Terror continues for Pakistan because it did not pay heed to American warnings.

Hameed Gul policy has led to revival of TTP and strained bilateral relations between US and Pakistan. This situation has led to political crisis and economic crisis in the country. This was the desired outcome?

"After that leave the American system and stop making interest payments to IMF as it is against Islam?" Easy for you to say but what is the solution? IMF is not a charity organization but a lending organization like a bank. You need to understand how banking system works, to understand how IMF works.

Russia and China will not bankroll Pakistan.
Pakistan will collapse if US decides to cut off financial support to Pakistan. Understand this much.

Pakistan is close to China, warmed up to Russia, but Pakistan must rebuild its relations with the WEST to create a sustainable economy. There is no substitute for OECD markets.

But OECD will not offer much to Pakistan unless the country is able to curb corruption.

Bribe culture
Inept legal system
Lack of strategy
Lack of vision
Lack of consensus
Is it?


War On Terror continues for Pakistan because it did not pay heed to American warnings.

Hameed Gul policy has led to revival of TTP and strained bilateral relations between US and Pakistan. This situation has led to political crisis and economic crisis in the country. This was the desired outcome?

"After that leave the American system and stop making interest payments to IMF as it is against Islam?" Easy for you to say but what is the solution? IMF is not a charity organization but a lending organization like a bank. You need to understand how banking system works, to understand how IMF works.

Russia and China will not bankroll Pakistan.
Pakistan will collapse if US decides to cut off financial support to Pakistan. Understand this much.

Pakistan is close to China, warmed up to Russia, but Pakistan must rebuild its relations with the WEST to create a sustainable economy. There is no substitute for OECD markets.

But OECD will not offer much to Pakistan unless the country is able to curb corruption.

Bribe culture
Inept legal system
Lack of strategy
Lack of vision
Lack of consensus
There is absolutely no substitute for OECD markets.

But being able to sell to a large and growing conumer market to your east, that has similar tastes would surely help. :)
War On Terror continues for Pakistan because it did not pay heed to American warnings.
The War on Terror began because of America in the first place.

America should've heeded Pakistani warnings and not wasted 20 years of our time trying to nation build in Afghanistan when the Afghans themselves are only interested in bacha bazi and killing Pakistani children

The Americans could've and should've redeemed themselves and gone with the Trump Plan. Too bad Imran Khan and Faiz Hameed were working day and night to make the US exit as beneficial for Afghanistan as possible.


But being able to sell to a large and growing conumer market to your east, that has similar tastes would surely help
Yes, let's become economically dependent on the eastern neigbour rabidly obsessed with annexing us/forcing us to submit to their hegemony.

While we're at it let's double the number of Afghan immigrants and even allow Indian immigrants

Next we can drop a nuke on Islamabad as the cherry on the cake
The War on Terror began because of America in the first place.

America should've heeded Pakistani warnings and not wasted 20 years of our time trying to nation build in Afghanistan when the Afghans themselves are only interested in bacha bazi and killing Pakistani children

The Americans could've and should've redeemed themselves and gone with the Trump Plan. Too bad Imran Khan and Faiz Hameed were working day and night to make the US exit as beneficial for Afghanistan as possible.


Yes, let's become economically dependent on the eastern neigbour rabidly obsessed with annexing us/forcing us to submit to their hegemony.

While we're at it let's double the number of Afghan immigrants and even allow Indian immigrants

Next we can drop a nuke on Islamabad as the cherry on the cake

US came to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in the region. Due to this effort, Pakistan has one less terrorist organization to worry about and TTA seems to realize that it cannot support multi-national terrorist organizations.

US also attempted to convince Pakistan to dismantle Taliban groups but Pakistan refused to:


Pakistan was too focused on Hamid Gul policy to understand that snakes cannot be tamed.

You will find details in following posts:

American handpicked Afghan leaders were willing to work with Pakistan but Pakistan was supporting Taliban groups and this was the root cause of tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan throughout. It was easy for India to exploit this situation and launch its projects in Afghanistan.

Pakistan was too confused to make a decision.
Lack of consensus on what to do about Afghanistan.

US managed to convince Taliban to not support multi-national terrorist organizations and call it a day.

Trump administration pitched Intra-Afghan Dialogue to reshape Afghan political landscape but Biden administration scrapped this plan. Joe Biden understands Pakistan well enough.

This is not how it works.

When ISIL emerged in Iraq in 2014, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi had to make a decision. He chose to not negotiate with terrorists and wipe them out. He convinced US to support Iraq in this matter. Operation Inherent Resolve is a COIN masterstroke. Iraq has rid itself from the menace of terrorism to large extent.
All India's investments went into building dams schools hospitals Parliament etc
Those investments remain in Afghanistan as they are for the people of Afghanistan.
The largest hospital in Afghanistan is the Indira Gandhi hospital in Kabul and the Taliban run their government from the parliament built by India.
The Afghan PEOPLE know who their friends are even if the Taliban have their own views

Yeahhhhhhhjj no it wasn't

Let me repeat, two decades of Indian "investment" and planning was destroyed

Whether Indians admit it or not the ISI won a incredible victory, which is what I keep telling people, just because their is fallout doesn't mean what they achieved against multiple enemies especially India wasn't incredible

That's an old story we have bigger issues to worry about

We need to adopt a strict Israeli policy against these Afghans and show no mercy.

We always did, after the Hindus ,the afghanis were ALWAYS our enemies

In fact they have even attacked us more then the Hindus regardless of what we did for them against the Soviets or Americans

The time has come to treat afghans like a enemy and not like a errant confused mentally challenged relation
The latest episode of the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) Pasoon podcast is on the recent tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Shaikh Abdul Rahman Hamaad, a member of the TTP leadership council, said that "despite the disinterest of the Afghan Taliban, the war with Pakistan is significant for Afghanistan."

He alleged, "Pakistan has been behind the instability in Afghanistan for decades, and now it is time for Afghanistan to get rid of it."

Explaining the rationale behind (his defined) Pakistan's Afghan policy, he claimed that "Pakistan occupies a large part of Afghanistan, which includes Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Pashtun belt of Balochistan and parts of Punjab, so it fears a stable Afghanistan."

@FuturePAF @_NOBODY_ @Sayfullah @Falcon34 @hussain0216 @PanzerKiel @Signalian

Why pointing fingers at Afghanistan,

Afghan taliban have shown the Pakistani terrorists the middle finger as stated in the tweet .

India will be rubbing its terror paws in glee .

Army needs to stop looking at dick pics and wipe out its creation once and all
Why pointing fingers at Afghanistan,

Afghan taliban have shown the Pakistani terrorists the middle finger as stated in the tweet .

India will be rubbing its terror paws in glee .

Army needs to stop looking at dick pics and wipe out its creation once and all
If you believe what the Afghans say, then I have a golden horse with wings to sell you
The latest episode of the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) Pasoon podcast is on the recent tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Shaikh Abdul Rahman Hamaad, a member of the TTP leadership council, said that "despite the disinterest of the Afghan Taliban, the war with Pakistan is significant for Afghanistan."

He alleged, "Pakistan has been behind the instability in Afghanistan for decades, and now it is time for Afghanistan to get rid of it."

Explaining the rationale behind (his defined) Pakistan's Afghan policy, he claimed that "Pakistan occupies a large part of Afghanistan, which includes Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Pashtun belt of Balochistan and parts of Punjab, so it fears a stable Afghanistan."

@FuturePAF @_NOBODY_ @Sayfullah @Falcon34 @hussain0216 @PanzerKiel @Signalian

they are absolutely right. the corrupt secular liberal ruling elite of Pakistan is behind the instability of Afghanistan for decades.
If you believe what the Afghans say, then I have a golden horse with wings to sell you

The tweet is by a Pakistani

If you equate Pakistanis as being Afghans & not really Pakistanis
There is the problem .
The tweet is by a Pakistani

If you equate Pakistanis as being Afghans & not really Pakistanis
There is the problem .
A tweet which is reporting on what an Afghan is saying.

And yes, many Pakistanis are cucks and mouthpieces for Afghans, makes no difference in their case

they are absolutely right. the corrupt secular liberal ruling elite of Pakistan is behind the instability of Afghanistan for decades.
That's the one good thing they did, should have went further and nuked it and brought peace to the region for good.
Pakistanis are fan and helpers of Taliban , that is why pakistan deserves Taliban rule .

This is an old alliance , nothing new. The Taliban couldn’t survive without Pakistan. It’s no secret.
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