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So you really have no idea what "Hack" mean, because you said you program, and I said "Hack", anyone who went thru Computer Engineering with some programing background know what "Hack" mean. You have not react to the word hack when I use it, which if you know what it means you know I am talking about something that can be use as a diss.

Well, I will let you know 2 things.

1. I lied when I said I don't know anything about Engineering. In fact, the first 2 and a half year in UNSW, I was in Engineering Faculty - This is my old UNSW Student Card

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2. Guess what did I do in UNSW for the first 2.5 years before (Might have been just 2 years, I forgot, it was almost 15 years ago) I switch to Commerce? - Computer Engineering

I did C+ (Year 1), Java (Year 1), Apache/SQL (Year 2) Visual Basic (Year 3) and HTML (Year 3) programming. I know a Programmer when I see one. And you aren't one of us...
So you were too dumb to complete the course? Lolol. Don't care if you lied or otherwise. The fact is you don't know jackshit. Hack? In my days hacking was a crime or a tool to kill someone. I ain't a programmer huh? Boy, you were in a diaper when I started programming okay. A computer engineer is not a real Engineer btw. I am a chartered electrical engineer specialising in controls engineering and programming is only one part of my course. You didn't learn AI? Genetic Algorithms? Fuzzy logics? Fck, do you know how to program a KUKA robot? A PLC? A microcontroller? Do you know how to train an AI model for image recognition? My 7 year old could program a simple hello world in Java so? That's makes you an AI specialist? Lolol
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Well, ChatGPT is revolutionaries is because it has an association thinking function on AI. And that is one of the backbone and one of the major issue for AI development.

Machine don't think like we human do. Machine process data whenever we put it, so if I put in an instruction saying 1+1 = 2 on a machine, that instruction is ALWAYS going to give you a "True" answer. Becuase that is how Machine work.

However, people uses association to their memory. Which mean we don't generally process information the same way a Machine does, for example, if I ask you, what did do in the afternoon 209 days ago, most of the people will not be able to remember using this association, unless you have a photographic memory, but if I say what did you do in the afternoon of the last day of Ramadan, you probably will remember given if it wasn't too far ago.

Problem is, Machine learning does not really do this because that, because as you said machine process information garbage in, and garbage out. You need to either absorb all the information on all of what you did and then build a database around it, and then using it to retrieve the information you need. Or have an part of an associative function without the user input. But then the association part is still an issue, because yes, you can build hundred if not thousand or millions of database to store all the world information (Technically it's possible but I don't think even Petabyte data can cut it). Which make this ChatGPT query is unique

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We all know it's Maggie who shots Mr Burns, so the answer is not really that unique and special, the special part is, how did ChatGPT knows I am asking about Simpsons. Notice that this is an open question implying a Simpson character, it did not give me a list of Mr Burn that being shot in all of its database, which mean it would have to somehow "Know" and more importantly "Chooses" the Mr Burns I refer to is the one in the Simpsons, and not this guy Jaylen Burns that was shot last month

The process of eliminate all Burns and giving the one that I imply, but I did not put in specific instruction for it to look for Simpsons is all but breaking the usual instruction protocol. given that it was not hard coded in its system,

Again, unless this is hardcoded in its core code (which mean the dev anticipated someone is going to ask the Simpson question) if this is actually machine learning. then this is a quantum leap because you are allowing the machine to think outside its usual instruction protocol, if this is unlocked, then it means you have a machine which thinks and process information exponentially faster than any of us could, and that's scary, because that open to all sort of moral and righteous decision making process, Such as this

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Or if it goes further, then we can literally ask ChatGPT to lie (Which it can't at the moment), if that happen, then ChatGPT can do what 95% of what a Human can do in term of thought process.

Industrial process won't be able to replace human, because it's one set of parameters that's always happen in an industrial setting, eg, how to make things faster, how to make cost lower, etc those are all very common question for AI to slimline, which mean you don't really need good AI to do that optimization, what you need is a giant calculator that process everything for you. But ChatGPT or other Chatbot alike is changing the way a computer "think" that is more important regarding AI development. I mean how would you beat me if my AI can think roughly 100000 times of a human counterpart, what that person can do, my AI can do that too and it will do it 100,000 times faster and all its interaction when your AI is just good at optimization??

That is a great explanation!!!

You are awesome!

I wonder if you know about AI generating software? Like Mid Journey and Stable Diffusion?

Up to today, I'm still wondering how they do it. And I think Mid Journey makes a better art than Stable Diffusion.
So you were too dumb to complete the course? Lolol. Don't care if you lied or otherwise. The fact is you don't know jackshit. Hack? In my days hacking was a crime or a tool to kill someone. I ain't a programmer huh? Boy, you were in a diaper when I started programming okay. A computer engineer is not a real Engineer btw. I am a chartered electrical engineer specialising in controls engineering and programming is only one part of my course. You didn't learn AI? Genetic Algorithms? Fuzzy logics? Fck, do you know how to program a KUKA robot? A PLC? A microcontroller? Do you know how to train an AI model for image recognition? My 7 year old could program a simple hello world in Java so? That's makes you an AI specialist? Lolol
lol, first of all, you don't know shit about advanced programming, that much is clear, in fact, I will go deeper and say you know shit about programming in general at all, if you only had "ONE" course in programming that hardly made you an expert on the issue. I had 2 feminism and 2 Psychology course done that does not mean I know anything about Feminism and Psychology.

Second, a hack is what a programmer called "quick patch" usually a disorganised piece of code you do to solve a problem during beta testing in order to make it work. Hacker in software engineer world does not mean people who illegal access to a computer, hacker for software engineer mean programmer who wrote sloppy code, people who issue quick fix after either a beta tester found a program breaking code, again, that's a diss, and it completely flew over your head.


I don't program AI directly, but I did machine language (as in 010010100101) and interpretation of instruction as part of my computer engineer degree, which is something really important on AI learning, That's in the field of Comp Eng calls topological "deep" learning not just wrote something and have the computer says "hi" in a course that may or may not be doing some casual hacking,

And you are touching on a subject it's very clearly you have no idea about.
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That is a great explanation!!!

You are awesome!

I wonder if you know about AI generating software? Like Mid Journey and Stable Diffusion?

Up to today, I'm still wondering how they do it. And I think Mid Journey makes a better art than Stable Diffusion.
I don't do coding that much, that's Software Eng job, I did hardware/software implementation, my programming skill are basically just enough for me to know my field of studies, which is as my reply to @Han Patriot, my field of study is more topological thinking than simply coding, which is what and how I describe ChatGPT functions and why I pick up how ChatGPT is revolutionary, because we take our brain for granted, and we don't think how we think and the procedure of problem solving, this is what I study at UNSW.

I did know about AI generating Software like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion, and I do understand the diffusion model (well, at least used to). The layman term for Diffusion model is like how you use Photoshop. If you ever used photoshop you will know there is a tool for you to smooth image. Think of MidJourney or Stable Diffusion is something like this, but in reverse. You have a polluted image with a lot of random bits on it, but you would still have some bits or more precisely pixel that you know it's coming from the original image, if not, the AI would simply generate another image and go on until it found what it was looking for, say for example, I want the AI to draw a human face, a human face would have 2 eyes (well, mostly) 1 nose, 1 mouth. So if the program knows what is an "eye" or what is a "mouth" then you can program it into making these pixels out because human parts, although different, it's still similar between each of us, I mean a nose cannot have 2 nostrils on top of the bridge, right? So these formed a set of rules for the computer to isolate those parameter out and filter what it was supposed to be like for a human face.

Now, you have a rough location of a mouth and a nose and 2 eyes, then you can use the association in between the pixel to try to isolate facial feature. And then you started to add hair, skin color, imperfection and so on and make a face, and thus drawing a human and then it keeps diffusing into more minute detail by adding and/or removing random pixel

The key here is the AI program knows what to look at. Then it set a rule (The above highlighted blue parts is the "Rules" for a human face) then you would be able to generate enough random pixel following this rule and then proceed to construct a human face. And you can then apply to other things as well, a car (How do you define a car, then set a rule over it and then AI could generate a picture of a car using said rules)

This is in layman term how AI generative program work using diffusion model.
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That’s not AI. My Audi can park automatically but the car is very stupid not intelligent at all, least artificial. I can give some basic commands to the car but still at very primitive level.
You should be happy though. AI will destroy millions of jobs. Where you can find alternative? People need jobs, they need income. They need foods.
lol, I remember in Programming 101 (that's not the name, I forgot the actual name), the lecture said in the first lecture that computer look smart because it only do what the user tell them, and they can't deviate from said task which is what make them smart and stupid at the same time.
lol, first of all, you don't know shit about advanced programming, that much is clear, in fact, I will go deeper and say you know shit about programming in general at all, if you only had "ONE" course in programming that hardly made you an expert on the issue. I had 2 feminism and 2 Psychology course done that does not mean I know anything about Feminism and Psychology.

Second, a hack is what a programmer called "quick patch" usually a disorganised piece of code you do to solve a problem during beta testing in order to make it work. Hacker in software engineer world does not mean people who illegal access to a computer, hacker for software engineer mean programmer who wrote sloppy code, people who issue quick fix after either a beta tester found a program breaking code, again, that's a diss, and it completely flew over your head.

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I don't program AI directly, but I did machine language (as in 010010100101) and interpretation of instruction as part of my computer engineer degree, which is something really important on AI learning, That's in the field of Comp Eng calls topological "deep" learning not just wrote something and have the computer says "hi" in a course that may or may not be doing some casual hacking,

And you are touching on a subject it's very clearly you have no idea about.

Machine language is now related to AI? FFS bro, you can do simple lab commands with low level language not write a full AI algorithm with it. Stop making yourself look stupid. The lowest level still functioning langauge is assembly language used for the old microcontrollers. No wonder you failed your course dumbass. Lolol.

Copy pasting a lengthy explanation on what is programming to mask your ignorance only makes you look stupid. Geesh!

Nobody in my uni uses the word HACK btw. Just like nobody in my era used the weird langauge spoken by kids nowadays. Yes, programming is just a course in engineering, because without the math and logic, you can't program shit. That's why the best programmers are normally Engineers and i mean real engineers. Do you know the difference between a 6 year writing a JAVA hello world and a 23 year old writing an GA AI algorithm linked to matlab training system? You are that 6 year old talking to me now. Lolol. Tell me what AI algorithm have you created? Using which programming strategy and applied in which field? My algorithm was used to continously improve machine tool management and optimization for a large company. I fcking even publish a paper on this. So for God's sake, know the difference between a 6 year old writing hello world and someone who understands AI.
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Machine language is now related to AI? FFS bro, you can do simple lab commands with low level language not write a full AI algorithm with it. Stop making yourself look stupid. The lowest level still functioning langauge is assembly language used for the old microcontrollers. No wonder you failed your course dumbass. Lolol.

lol, How Machine language not related to AI? how do you connect the interface from what you want to do into the computer? Do you speak machine language? Are you gonna put 0001110001101 into any implementation.

Do you even know how computer instruction was passed? How do you pass instruction into a machine when you use programming language and machine only read 0011?? In term of topological deep learning, which is THE CORE building block of AI, you need to connect both user interface into machine interface, so do tell me how machine language is related to AI?? Because you need to peel out the machine topology and instruction giving state.

Again, you know shit all about programming, it would be wise for you to just admitting it but no, you keep on digging a hole bigger and bigger...But hey, if you want to look like an idiot, I don't mind.

Copy pasting a lengthy explanation on what is programming to mask your ignorance only makes you look stupid. Geesh!

Nobody in my uni uses the word HACK btw. Just like nobody in my era used the weird langauge spoken by kids nowadays. Yes, programming is just a course in engineering, because without the math and logic, you can't program shit. That's why the best programmers are normally Engineers and i mean real engineers. Do you know the difference between a 6 year writing a JAVA hello world and a 23 year old writing an GA AI algorithm linked to matlab training system? You are that 6 year old talking to me now. Lolol. Tell me what AI algorithm have you created? Using which programming strategy and applied in which field? My algorithm was used to continously improve machine tool management and optimization for a large company. I fcking even publish a paper on this. So for God's sake, know the difference between a 6 year old writing hello world and someone who understands AI.
That's why I said you know shit all about computer programming.....

All these and the above stupid question on how "Machine Language" related to AI is a testament of how ignorant you are to Programming in general.

And lol, you publish a paper on this?? Lol, what for? joke? To be very clear, I dont believe you even went to college, let alone writing dissertation on any matter, I show you my Student ID, show me yours to prove you were even in college to begin with if you want to keep talking about this, otherwise I don't think we have anything to talk about, as I don't do stupid
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lol, How Machine language not related to AI? how do you connect the interface from what you want to do into the computer? Do you speak machine language? Are you gonna put 0001110001101 into any implementation.

Do you even know how computer instruction was passed? How do you pass instruction into a machine when you use programming language and machine only read 0011?? In term of topological deep learning, which is THE CORE building block of AI, you need to connect both user interface into machine interface, so do tell me how machine language is related to AI?? Because you need to peel out the machine topology and instruction giving state.

Again, you know shit all about programming, it would be wise for you to just admitting it but no, you keep on digging a hole bigger and bigger...But hey, if you want to look like an idiot, I don't mind.

That's why I said you know shit all about computer programming.....

All these and the above stupid question on how "Machine Language" related to AI is a testament of how ignorant you are to Programming in general.

And lol, you publish a paper on this?? Lol, what for? joke?

You are stupider than I think. Go write an AI algorithm in 1s and 0s. Hahahaahah. If you can do that, i will knell and call your papa. I don't need you to tell me how 1s and 0s are passed to circuitry, anybody in Electrical and controls engineering will learn that in their basic course. I need you to explain to me how an AI algorithm can be written with low level langauge. Please show me oo master. Hahaahaha. The moment you told me you can create AI programs with low level language, i spilled my coffee. My colleague next to me is laughing now. Lol.

You know what is even more amazing, you can convincingly write a lengthy post telling me what is machibe language. It is like a dumbass telling me what an alphabet is without knowing how the alphabets are used to spell.
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You are stupider than I think. Go write an AI algorithm in 1s and 0s. Hahahaahah. If you can do that, i will knell and call your papa. I don't need you to tell me how 1s and 0s are passed to circuitry, anybody in Electrical and controls engineering will learn that in their basic course. I need you to explain to me how an AI algorithm can be written with low level langauge. Please show me oo master. Hahaahaha. The moment you told me you can create AI programs with low level language, i spilled my coffee. My colleague next to me is laughing now. Hahhaahhaha
Who said you write AI program with machine language? Who? I didn't.

You said how Machine Language related to AI. How about you need to know machine language to know what the potential machine out put for any Programing language input? AI or not? How do you know the bit shift will not make say "Diffusion Model" I talked above with @Menthol goes into a different bit?

You dont just learn the language, you know the interaction as to what put what will come out what, how do you program if you don't know this and the expected output? See, this is how I know you know shit about programming, again, I don't even think you went to college, so this is not a surprise

And I don't know you have a "colleague" in your mother dank basement LOLOLOL
Who said you write AI program with machine language? Who? I didn't.
Then how does knowing machine language help you in creating AI programs numb numb. Lol. The last time i touched machine langauge was in the intro to progrmming course lab work. Didn't even used it for my image training AI application. Didn't usw it for my KUKA robotics, didn't use is for my Siemens S7 PLC program nor my Motorola microcontroller. So tell me how is it relevant to AI programming. How do you use statistical models to optimize the model? How do you set the weightages for different criterion? How do you eliminate false training? How do you link different models? Do you know all these?

Why don't you tell me alphabets are useful for AI programming? Or numbers are. Lolol. You could also tell me electricity is relevant to AI programming since without it computers can't switch on.

You said how Machine Language related to AI. How about you need to know machine language to know what the potential machine out put for any Programing language input? AI or not? How do you know the bit shift will not make say "Diffusion Model" I talked above with @Menthol goes into a different bit?

You dont just learn the language, you know the interaction as to what put what will come out what, how do you program if you don't know this and the expected output? See, this is how I know you know shit about programming, again, I don't even think you went to college, so this is not a surprise

And I don't know you have a "colleague" in your mother dang basement LOLOLOL
Yes i bet all the programmers at Google know machine langauge as a prerequisite to program their models. Lolol. So genius can you tell me what AI algorithm you created and how machine langauge helped you? Lolol. Stop embrassing yourself okay, if you tell any AI programmer what you just said, you will be an IDIOT. You can type copy paste a bunch of explanation to convince the idiots here but not me okay boy. I know an idiot when i see one. Lol. Anybody can be a programmer, a 6 year old can program a simple program, the difference between me and a 6 year old is in the math and logics. The Algorithm.
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Then how does knowing machine language help you in creating AI programs numb numb. Lol. The last time i touched machine langauge was in the intro to progrmming course lab work. Didn't even used it for my image training AI application. Didn't usw it for my KUKA robotics, didn't use is for my Siemens S7 PLC program nor my Motorola microcontroller. So tell me how is it relevant to AI programming. How do you use statistical models to optimize the model? How do you set the weightages for different criterion? How do you eliminate false training? How do you link different models? Do you know all these?

Why don't you tell me alphabets are useful for AI programming? Or numbers are. Lolol. You could also tell me electricity is relevant to AI programming since without it computers can't switch on.

How does Machine Language help you hack? Are you seriously asking this question and claiming to be a programmer?

How do you know the transposing is correct when you put in whatever language you are using? Do you know what is crashes? Trying putting 10001011 and 10110101 into the same byte and you crash and kill prog, for you using whatever language you are using (C++ Java) to build your LLM, you see 139 and 181, you put that together you will be shifting a bit, if you know shit about machine language, you won't notice that until your program crashes and you are still wondering why.

How do you dissect task base instructional protocol if you don't know machine language at all? Or in Generative AI such as Stable Diffuse, How do you build micro-chain if you don't know Machine Language?

Yes i bet all the programmers at Google know machine langauge as a prerequisite to program their models. Lolol. So genius can you tell me what AI algorithm you created and how machine langauge helped you? Lolol. Stop embrassing yourself okay, if you tell any AI programmer what you just said, you will be an IDIOT. You can type copy paste a bunch of explanation to convince the idiots here but not me okay boy. I know an idiot when i see one. Lol
Dumbass, are all google engineer Deep Learning specialist? Well, considering you call yourself a programmer that show people how much you don't know about the subject at hand

Again, you claim to be a lot of stuff, either show proof that you even went to college to begin with or shove it, I don't do stupid. And I am not going to response to you anymore as it is pointless, you obviously have no idea how programming and machine learning work, to say YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW MACHINE LANGUAGE TO UNDERSTAND MACHINE LEARNING is laughable. I have already explained how you use machine langague to understand machine learning in th eprevious post when I explain why ChatGPT is revolutionary.

Well, ChatGPT is revolutionaries is because it has an association thinking function on AI. And that is one of the backbone and one of the major issue for AI development.

Machine don't think like we human do. Machine process data whenever we put it, so if I put in an instruction saying 1+1 = 2 on a machine, that instruction is ALWAYS going to give you a "True" answer. Becuase that is how Machine work.

However, people uses association to their memory. Which mean we don't generally process information the same way a Machine does, for example, if I ask you, what did do in the afternoon 209 days ago, most of the people will not be able to remember using this association, unless you have a photographic memory, but if I say what did you do in the afternoon of the last day of Ramadan, you probably will remember given if it wasn't too far ago.

Problem is, Machine learning does not really do this because that, because as you said machine process information garbage in, and garbage out. You need to either absorb all the information on all of what you did and then build a database around it, and then using it to retrieve the information you need. Or have an part of an associative function without the user input. But then the association part is still an issue, because yes, you can build hundred if not thousand or millions of database to store all the world information (Technically it's possible but I don't think even Petabyte data can cut it). Which make this ChatGPT query is unique


We all know it's Maggie who shots Mr Burns, so the answer is not really that unique and special, the special part is, how did ChatGPT knows I am asking about Simpsons. Notice that this is an open question implying a Simpson character, it did not give me a list of Mr Burn that being shot in all of its database, which mean it would have to somehow "Know" and more importantly "Chooses" the Mr Burns I refer to is the one in the Simpsons, and not this guy Jaylen Burns that was shot last month


Suspect arrested in death of Jaylen Burns, who was shot on Jackson State campus

The process of eliminate all Burns and giving the one that I imply, but I did not put in specific instruction for it to look for Simpsons is all but breaking the usual instruction protocol. given that it was not hard coded in its system,

Again, unless this is hardcoded in its core code (which mean the dev anticipated someone is going to ask the Simpson question) if this is actually machine learning. then this is a quantum leap because you are allowing the machine to think outside its usual instruction protocol, if this is unlocked, then it means you have a machine which thinks and process information exponentially faster than any of us could, and that's scary, because that open to all sort of moral and righteous decision making process, Such as this


Or if it goes further, then we can literally ask ChatGPT to lie (Which it can't at the moment), if that happen, then ChatGPT can do what 95% of what a Human can do in term of thought process.

Industrial process won't be able to replace human, because it's one set of parameters that's always happen in an industrial setting, eg, how to make things faster, how to make cost lower, etc those are all very common question for AI to slimline, which mean you don't really need good AI to do that optimization, what you need is a giant calculator that process everything for you. But ChatGPT or other Chatbot alike is changing the way a computer "think" that is more important regarding AI development. I mean how would you beat me if my AI can think roughly 100000 times of a human counterpart, what that person can do, my AI can do that too and it will do it 100,000 times faster and all its interaction when your AI is just good at optimization??
And I did forward that to an programmer forum I used to frequent, it racked up 79 laughing emoji in just 2 hours.
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How does Machine Language help you hack? Are you seriously asking this question and claiming to be a programmer?

How do you know the transposing is correct when you put in whatever language you are using? Do you know what is crashes? Trying putting 10001011 and 10110101 into the same bit and you crash and kill prog, for you using whatever language you are using (C++ Java) to build your LLM, you see 139 and 181, you put that together you will be shifting a bit, if you know shit about machine language, you won't notice that until your program crashes and you are still wondering why.
Nope, not a single program i created needed me to understand machine langauge for debugging. None of my unimates working for Alibaba or Baidu even remember machine langauge.
Have you actually created an AI program before? Yes or No.

How do you dissect task base instructional protocol if you don't know machine language at all? Or in Generative AI such as Stable Diffuse, How do you build micro-chain if you don't know Machine Language?

Dumbass, are all google engineer Deep Learning specialist? Well, considering you call yourself a programmer, that is not going to happen.

Again, you claim to be a lot of stuff, either show proof that you even went to college to begin with or shove it, I don't do stupid. And I am not going to response to you anymore as it is pointless, you obviously have no idea how programming and machine learning work, to say YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW MACHINE LANGUAGE TO UNDERSTAND MACHINE LEARNING is laughable. And I did forward that to an programmer forum I used to frequent, it racked up 79 laughing emoji in just 2 hours.

My processor needs to know machine langauge not me. Unless that processor is faulty, im which case nothing can be done to correct a processor level defect aka machine language level. There fore codes are corrected at the higher level not at the machine code level.

It seems to me you have no idea how AI models are created. Deep learning? Do you mean artificial neural networks? haahahh, NONE, nothing, zilch people learn machine langauge to create those models. Have you actually created an AI program before? Seriously! Lolol. My mate is laughing looking at your post again. Lololol. How does programming neurons in NN require you to understand machine langauge of 1s and 0s? You mean i need to look at the model like Matrix the movie? Do you know how to set those neurons? Do you even know what they are? I reckon you have Keanu eyesight to decipher 1s and 0s.
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Nope, not a single program i created needed me to understand machine langauge for debugging. Have you actually created an AI program before? Yes or No.
That's because you are not a god damn programmer, in fact, for how you post and what kind of stuff you post, I seriosuly double you are even University educated.

And I have already answered that, I don't code AI, I don't code much, i was a comp eng student, not a software eng, my speciality is Topological Learning in computer graphic. The kind of stuff that make Stable Diffusion.
My processor needs to know machine langauge not me. It seems to me you have no idea how AI models are created. Deep learning? Do you mean artificial neural networks? haahahh, NONE, nothing, zilch people learn machine langauge to create those models. Have you actually created an AI program before? Seriously! Lolol
How do you know your program in whatever language you use will not have a conflict with the machine? How do you do stepwise refinement if you don't even know how basic machine language work if you don't know stuff like Bit Matrix or Bit Transposing? Are you telling me you are going to try and error it? As in write it, and then wait for it to crash, and then try to debug it and the wait for it to crash again? Then all I can say is if you are indeed a programmer, you are a pretty dumb one.

Sure, Machine language is not important for Machine Learning.....then i guess these people don't know what is Machine Learning then....


I can't believe I have been talking to this moron who know nothing about Machine Learning for this long....
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That's because you are not a god damn programmer, in fact, for how you post and what kind of stuff you post, I seriosuly double you are even University educated.
When someone tells me they need to understand machine langauge to debug an AI program or any program for that matter, it sounds as if that guy is stupid or insane. Who the **** checks the 1s and 0s for error when you can easily use the debug tool to check for code errors? I mean i have been programming robots, PLCs, microcontroller, AI models and NOBODY ever used 1 and 0s to debug an error.

And I have already answered that, I don't code AI, I don't code much, i was a comp eng student, not a software eng, my speciality is Topological Learning in computer graphic. The kind of stuff that make Stable Diffusion.
You don't code AI and yet you give me a lecture on how machine language is relevant to Neural Networks? Genetic Algorithms? FFS, you know nothing and then you can talk so much and so confidently corrupting the simpletons here?

How do you know your program in whatever language you use will not have a conflict with the machine? How do you do stepwise refinement if you don't even know how basic machine language work if you don't know stuff like Bit Matrix or Bit Transposing? Are you telling me you are going to try and error it? As in write it, and then wait for it to crash, and then try to debug it and the wait for it to crash again? Then all I can say is if you are indeed a programmer, you are a pretty dumb one.

Sure, Machine language is not important for Machine Learning.....then i guess these people don't know what is Machine Learning then....

View attachment 1015404

I can't believe I have been talking to this moron who know nothing about Machine Learning for this long....
So a person who has never created an AI program is telling someone who has published a paper on it that machine langauge is relevant to AI programming. Have you read the article you posted? Where does it say you need to know machine langauge for implementation? You mean you need to know machine langauge for memory addresses? Lol. Are they checking their code at machine language level? Are they debugging at that level? I could use assembly language for that, why do I need to go until machine code level. Or maybe you don't know the difference? Lolol.

Let me get this straight you mean to tell me i know the memory address of 1000 of my images? Lolololol. Data arrays? You are talking like toddler level programming. You mean i assign millions of data to specific memory addresses and check them? FFS, do you even understand what you are doing? You sound like the dumbass below:

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When someone tells me they need to understand machine langauge to debug an AI program or any program for that matter, it sounds as if that guy is stupid or insane. Who the **** checks the 1s and 0s for error when you can easily use the debug tool to check for code errors? I mean i have been programming robots, PLCs, microcontroller, AI models and NOBODY ever used 1 and 0s to debug an error.

Dude, you have put a lot of word in my mouth, since when did I say you debug with Machine Language?

I said you need to know your limit in the prototype stage, you know what the machine response will be. You put different variable in the equation to see what is the result. That's for general programming

On the other hand, for AI or Machine Learning, you need to know how the process of the model work, I mean you claim to know AI right? Explain to me how you know Large Language Model without knowing how to work matrix transformation, which is a part of machine language knowledge

The reason why I know you know shit about this is because you think Machine Language is only about 00100101010. It wasn't. it's about add, subtract, move, transpose and transform bit. ie how you get from 1 bit-state (0/1) into another. You are thinking about Machine Language is 0011 is the most rudimentary form of knowledge, they stop teaching that in year 2..
You don't code AI and yet you give me a lecture on how machine language is relevant to Neural Networks? Genetic Algorithms? FFS, you know nothing and then you can talk so much and so confidently corrupting the simpletons here?

First of all, you didn't code AI either, I don't think you had coded anything, as I said, now I even think you never even went to college.

Second of all, I can school you on Machine Learning, which you need to know before you code, how do you code if you don't know the limit on what that model lead to? Are you saying you are going to code an AI language model without barrier? without limit? You don't follow any instruction architecture? If you are saying so, then I know for sure you lie about knowing how to code AI.

So a person who has never created an AI program is telling someone who has published a paper on it that machine langauge is relevant to AI programming. Have you read the article you posted? Where does it say you need to know machine langauge for implementation? You mean you need to know machine langauge for memory addresses? Lol. Are they checking their code at machine language level? Are they debugging at that level? I could use assembly language for that, why do I need to go until machine code level. Or maybe you don't know the difference? Lolol.

Yet 3 post on, you still had not explain nothing to me, how Machine Language is not related to Machine Learning or AI. In fact, I even show you an extract talking about Bit Matrix in AI and Machine learning from Cornell, and you still dig the hole bigger by saying it is not relevant? saying this is like saying ISA architecture is not relevant to AI or MIPS architecture is not relevant. lol......

Explain this please, if you can

I doubt you can tho

Let me get this straight you mean to tell me i know the memory address of 1000 of my images? Lolololol. Data arrays? You are talking like toddler level programming. You mean i assign millions of data to specific memory addresses and check them? FFS, do you even understand what you are doing? You sound like the dumbass below:

View attachment 1015815
What data array? First of all, that's memory address is for data redundancy, and no, you don't need to know all 1000 or so of your data array because that's what the index bit is for. And that's what the check bit is doing, so I think it was you who sounded like a dumbass on the issue with no idea what you are talking about.
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