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PDF Ranks

New Recruit 0-100 messages
2nd Lieutenant 101-500
Lieutenant 501-1000
Captain 1001-2000
Major 2001-3000
Lt. Colonel 3001-4000
Colonel 4001-5000
Brigadier 5001-6000
Major General 6001-7000
Lt. General 7001-8000
General 8001-35000
Field Marshall 35000
Thanks webby ...but please care to tell when i will be able to make PM with friends ..Thanks in advance
New Recruit 0-100 messages
2nd Lieutenant 101-500
Lieutenant 501-1000
Captain 1001-2000
Major 2001-3000
Lt. Colonel 3001-4000
Colonel 4001-5000
Brigadier 5001-6000
Major General 6001-7000
Lt. General 7001-8000
General 8001-35000
Field Marshall 35000

27000 posts without a promo :crazy:
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