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  1. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    I don't have an account there, if you have one please do it then
  2. F

    India Russia sign deal on local production of IGLA anti aircraft missiles in India

    Take anything Indian Media says with a truckload of salt
  3. F

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Don't you guys use it with your Mirages, I thought you guys produce it locally. https://defense.info/partners-corner/2021/11/egyptian-air-force-deploys-with-south-african-pgms/ We already have an indigenous replacement in place, it's called PGHSLD. Al Tariq is integrated purely for export purposes
  4. F

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Yet another Shameless Tejas plug 😁😁 Al-Tariq PGM for Tejas in Dubai Air Show
  5. F

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    Al-Tariq PGM for Tejas in Dubai Air Show
  6. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    Slight Correction Tejas Fuel carrying capacity is 2486kg
  7. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    Please Refer to post 88 of this thread, you might get a reality check
  8. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    No they didn't, they didn't even have 1/3rd the budget compared to their global competitors. And the said laid down QRs asked for results comparable to F 404. The required thrust was more or less equal to that of F 404
  9. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    Only if one needed just time and not funding to develop a jet engine. The said just one engine was supposed to rival F 404 and M88, so let's not get into this debate
  10. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    Note: I am taking a very simplistic view of aircraft range here for academic purposes. In reality, calculating the range is a complex problem because of the large number of variables involved. An aircraft's flight is not conducted at a single ground speed but varies from zero at take-off, to...
  11. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    These websites don't mean jack sh*t to me if they are devoid of basic common sense. What these so called military sites wrote are technically true but they almost always lack the much needed context. For example is Tejas case, these websites say it's combat radius is 500km (which is the combat...
  12. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    Actually now that you mentioned it, even I wanna know what exactly is indigenous about JF 17 apart from its airframe
  13. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    Please share a link to that discussion
  14. F

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    Tejas will be deployed on the western sector https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/iaf-to-deploy-lca-at-frontline-fighter-bases-in-western-sector-101699640517543.html
  15. F

    India's LCA Tejas in Trouble ?

    Did you bring this range out of your arse. Dude JF 17 too runs on jet fuel not Anti matter, 1300kms my foot
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