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Recent content by Jf Thunder

  1. Jf Thunder

    Myanmar Military Junta is about to Collapse as all Separatist groups get united

    this is for all those who think that somehow magically our bojh will return to its constitutional role. No one will give up their power without a fight.
  2. Jf Thunder

    The art of corruption by PA

    NS was the same till the early 90s, Nawaz Sharif loved the bojh and then suddenly he remembers "vote ko izzat do", and just as suddenly he has forgotten it again.
  3. Jf Thunder

    The art of corruption by PA

    the same Bajwa who was given extension by IK?
  4. Jf Thunder

    From the River to the Sea, Pakistan Will be Free

    nah Palestine has more of a chance for being free. Have you been following the news in Myanmar ? Their Army is close to losing the control of the country, but aren't even thinking of giving power back to the civilian government. No entity will ever voluntarily give up power, especially any...
  5. Jf Thunder

    Hamas announces 4 day truce, prisoner exchange deal

    so basically they will start getting killed after 4 days? What a pointless deal.
  6. Jf Thunder

    Pakistan Military Future as a Fighting Force?

    damn man, tone down the "foreign hand" rhetoric. The Fauj often used it, and still does now. Currently it simply isn't working. The external enemy doesn't need to do squat, when our internal "Establishment" is enough.
  7. Jf Thunder

    NATIONAL INTEREST UNDER THREAT : Court bars appointment of outsider as Pims head

    as per windjammer and signalian now the hospital will be destroyed
  8. Jf Thunder

    PML-N pitches Shehbaz Sharif as Punjab’s chief minister

    no please having SS is like having a serving general as the CM
  9. Jf Thunder

    Graduation Ceremony of 148 GD (P), 94 EC, 104 AD and 130 Combat Support Course

    ah yes more masters to rule over us all AL HAIL THE PRINCES !!!
  10. Jf Thunder

    NATIONAL INTEREST UNDER THREAT : Court bars appointment of outsider as Pims head

    ISLAMABAD: Amid plans to appoint a serving army general as the head of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) for three years, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Monday barred the health ministry from appointing a `deputationist` as the head of the state-run hospital. The IHC direction...
  11. Jf Thunder

    Pakistan Military Future as a Fighting Force?

    they do it in a subtle way and dont appoint themselves in civilian institutions. Plus, do they manipulate elections? maybe do they overthrow government frequently just because they feel like it? absolutely not
  12. Jf Thunder

    Pakistan Military Future as a Fighting Force?

    lets blame everything and everyone else but ourselves for our problems
  13. Jf Thunder

    Pakistan Military Future as a Fighting Force?

    lets keep believing that
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