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Recent content by ReasonableStar75

  1. ReasonableStar75

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    This is an awesome achievement sincerely. This removes any doubts about hipersonic capabality in Iran hands, this is what some stupid dubbed experts were talking yet, when fattah I was disclosed for first time. Now, let us know what s their another stupid rant,now. Iran needs this class of...
  2. ReasonableStar75

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Yes i am aware they are capable to do that, there is not moral background anymore.You see gaza they don t care to kill Gaza children, it s very mental painfull to see gaza children in bloody white sacks, very painfull to see, i don t understand arab silence. The only way you can avoid their...
  3. ReasonableStar75

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Even the israeli drones don t seem very impressive on design they look like a cheap made work. Israelis are not so good on technologies like they think, just US is the real knowledger behind them. Country to country, Iran is above Israel in drones technologies, in every parameter. They look...
  4. ReasonableStar75

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    biological and chemical is shit...and a sin,Iran is not the kind of country that will use that devil actions.... look at other they are very capable to do that... Iran must have nukes,Yes absolutely, it s mandatory now, cannot be any argue on that, cannot be.
  5. ReasonableStar75

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Incredible, Iran is very advanced militarily, it s time to change equations... and a good moment to break self harmfull fatwa about nukes. To have nukes is not a sin, however to use them in offensive operation is a sin. Iran must have it,it s mandatory. Iran must help palestinians, and say...
  6. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Russia is nothing, they are not capable to give Iran 100 SU-35 so imagine... Russia only worries by their ***, future for Russia is war and more war, Ukraine is only the beginning, they cannot even defend themselves, and US realizes that. Sadly, Gaza war was a breath for Russia, that was...
  7. ReasonableStar75

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Yes, you see the thigs as it is, no phantasies or infinite rant. the fact is, if Gaza falls, entire Palestine falls, there is not doubts here. It s a colosal lose for Iran, i don t think Iran can talk about something if Gaza falls...No one will understand the concept of axis of resistence...
  8. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Israel has gone so far, they are in a mess now, all their display of power does not serve anymore... This things happens when you underplay justice and the law of proportionality. Gaza destruction and the goal of expel 2,5 million of gazans from Gaza is pure madness.
  9. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I hate when you use this fakes photos, when you have real faces of gazans suffering. you have to put stupid photos of computer, that even don t represent or shows real gazans.
  10. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    China is a relevant player, a millenary country, i think is good time they raise their voice and enter this conflict. China is necesary to take a stand, because Russia is groundless these days, and never has hada a real positive role. China needs to enter on this.
  11. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Yeah you prefer men looking women with skirts... with foolish faces.
  12. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    genie is already out of the bottle. It would be not justified to use nukes,much less the US. But if it were the case i think there would be huge consequences. I don t think this would go for free as nothing,surely. Russia owuld use nukes against Ukraine... And on the other hand, we don t know...
  13. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    it can get worse,for sure.
  14. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It s unavoidable, the only thing can stop broader war it s Israel stopping bombing and getting out from Gaza, unconditionally. Hezbollah is not going to make an unsubstantial speech this time, it doesn t look that way this time.
  15. ReasonableStar75

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Emiraties must wish this war not broad, because with Iran, they would be fucked i am sure. Iran can destroy all.
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