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Recent content by tsunset

  1. T

    Former Obama adviser arrested by NYPD, faces hate crime charges after halal cart confrontation

    https://abc7ny.com/halal-cart-confrontation-former-obama-adviser-harassment/14092785/ Context:
  2. T

    Flight of Iranian "Yasin" jet

    Your comment is stupid and it doesn't belong here Yes "Iran revolution change in 2 years don't worry", we know, you said it countless times in the section. In February this is going to be the 44th year of failed color revolutions and useless predictions. Comment on political thread, this is...
  3. T

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Watch this hasbara clown Never ever believe Israelis and zionists/christian zionists
  4. T

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    On Su-24, Raad and Hormuz-2. F-Mobin Su-24 is made for it
  5. T

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Then it should You are not aware that whitozionists are capable of everything and their ideology based on Nazims Don't wait the last moment until they will take pleasure to rape Iranian women and cadavers and try to genocide us They have to be genocided by any means ig they want to do this...
  6. T

    Flight of Iranian "Yasin" jet

    J-10 refused from China beside its A variant which is obsolete compared to J-10C JF-17 Pakistan puts itself at risk of massive sanctions from USA for selling fighters to Iran F-15 just impossible, USA is not going to sell F-15 or technology to Iran, so its more about already existing F-14s Iran...
  7. T

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Iran's counter genocide modern bacteriological program: -Serves only as a weapon, not for deterrence - Delivery method: Small rockets, TBM and cluster ammunitions that can be sent to HZ and Yemen - Specification: Virus, microbes, bacteria that infects only pre-chosen kind of DNAs and racial...
  8. T

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Crazy how zionists see everyone as subhumans but themselves, and never considerate asking themselves why the world hates them...
  9. T

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Perfect design for putting something else than conventional ordnance inside it...
  10. T

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Let's not mock the guys surrendering, they are just workers and doesn't care besides earning money for their family Hope they have been released to their families fast, good job by Houthis to not show their faces
  11. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hamas members are probably most people who's family been killed or mistreated Hamas members are Palestinians and have the right to defend themselves, i don't understand this "i support Palestinians but not Hamas", why that fear in medias? Hamas and any Palestinian have the right to shoot and...
  12. T

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BGM-109G_Ground_Launched_Cruise_Missile Cold war retired GLCM for Tomahawks I would see something resembling to this to launch multiple CMs and also add mobility, the same ones that NK unveiled. I'm sure it is in the works already, also adding more launchers,
  13. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    What a safe country to live in, the only democracy in the middle east! You are all more safe in Turkey or Iran than the whole region, even some U.S states/cities
  14. T

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Houthi helicopter with sextuple rocket pod, this may explain why Falaq rockets were in Ukraine What was the response of Israel from Houthi missiles and drones?
  15. T

    Iranian Chill Thread

    First images of corpses showing up, they maybe blew up in a tight area, but there is clearly blood and flesh remains on them, and a pink/red gut Either straight blown up into ashes or in the best case for them, amputated and removed their gear here
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