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Recent content by Yazp

  1. Yazp

    ARMA 3 PA, 13th CDO MilSim group

    Yazp here, Back from the dead, so is the mod and group. We've been developing the mod to the point where we can play it. We have weekly ARMA 3 sessions, different missions and objectives, but mostly COIN. We have 7 members, just 1 short from a squad which can split into 2 fire-teams...
  2. Yazp

    An Article about the Hazaras

    Look buddy if there's an army of beastly looking Asian men who just went through and killed off most of central asia in a wild killing spree, asking for your surrender, food and provisions, only an idiot would refuse and think that they'd be spared. Why not, let me impose a special tax that you...
  3. Yazp

    Pakistan armoured corps with Wajahat Saeed Khan.

    Perhaps, but It is not easy with HK's drum iron sights. Hehe, according to MKEK, the max range of the G3 is 3700 meters, while with some sights, 400m. But I think one could hit a target at 600m with relative ease using the right optics, since the G3's rear iron sights are only adjustable to...
  4. Yazp

    Pakistan armoured corps with Wajahat Saeed Khan.

    This guy is kind of stupid. I remember in his "We are soldiers" series, he said the G3 has a max range of 500m, and a 5.56 M4, not even M16 is better and has more range than a 7.62x51 G3. Either POF made G3s are low quality and can't hit anything beyond 500m, or this guy's information is...
  5. Yazp

    The Dangers of Meat

    Hey guys, we found the Vegan!
  6. Yazp

    Pakistan should recognize taliban.

    Wow, I never realized that. It showed up in the recent posts section, so I clicked.
  7. Yazp

    Pakistan should recognize taliban.

    The Hashshashin were not Shias, and nor were they a millitia.
  8. Yazp

    Security beefed up in Islamabad as Lal Masjid cleric vows to restart 'Sharia Law' campaign

    Time to send in the weapon to surpass metal gear on that "masjid"
  9. Yazp

    China to help Pakistan modernize it's army in the future

    The USSR lost because Israel and America backed us with their money. Without their money, we might not have won, and at the same time Afghanistan would not be the shit hole we turned it into. Don't overestimate ANY armed force, including our own. We have many hardworking heros and champions...
  10. Yazp

    SPD gets a new camouflage, a ripoff of the US MARPAT AOR2 camo.

    Well, I've heard that other people have worked more on the Nuclear program than this guy, but he takes the credit. I've only heard this, but I have no confirmation. Besides this, Isn't this the guy who gave Nukes to North Korea, in exchange for Missile Technology? I remember Behnazir took the...
  11. Yazp

    Pakistan to raise 12,000 Marines in a new branch of Navy

    I think the marines will be used to protect Gawadar, and the coast form other marines. Also, For gods sake give these poor fellows a proper camouflage, something that is meant to hide you, not highlight you on the bloody beach. The guy who made this camouflage should be fired, and if one of...
  12. Yazp

    SPD gets a new camouflage, a ripoff of the US MARPAT AOR2 camo.

    It's been the USMC camo for years now. The color palette is the same, but it looks like a pixelated Tigerstripe pattern, the SPD camo.
  13. Yazp

    Europe will turn Anti Islam

    Our country, Pakistan still has a long way to go until we can have a proper functioning democracy, for now we need to focus on educating all the people who vote for silly people like nawaz or zardari or we can do the same as the Romans did, to get the lowest political rank you have to serve 10...
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