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Pakistan Defence

Yes. Candidates can change their minds on the way to center. Its very challenging. Both physically and psychologically. The thing is that If you fail without studying then it doesn't hit you mentally
But if you fail after giving it your all which is very common in CSS recently then you get shattered. It breaks you and hits you psychologically. That is why many candidates are unsure, scared and confused.
And when you have no backup because bachelor is not enough in Pakistan to have a good life speaking of financially. Am I right?
Depends. A bachelors foreign would be better than bachelors local but yes majority is that even masters is not enough.
Well considering the gamble that is CSS I would suggest never going without profession.
For example I wish to do CSS and PMS but I am a lawyer. Well if all fails I can also give judiciary exams. :p so CSS failure isn't the end for me. I can give judiciary, prosecutor exams and can even practice. Make sure to do the same for yourself.
You’re absolutely right. That’s why I want to do my bachelor from here so later I can further study and do my master or whatever decision I make
Because there’s no age limits for pharmacy.
Good. Seems you have worked out everything. Good luck for it all. One last thing. Be very wary of the " future bureaucrat" saying lot. You may meet some who my call you that. Tell them to stop.They are indeed enemies. :p :p
Hi there. Sorry to disturb you again. Ok so I want to ask when are you gonna take the css exams? If you don’t mind telling me. Next is in February right?
Also, suggest me a book to read that can be even helpful for CSS curriculum too I like reading and going to finish “after the Prophet” in few days
Hey. No problem. Any time. This year in February 2018. Did the entire process. Just have to mail them the hard copy.

Well I can't suggest you a book on optionals since you have yet to chose them but I can help you with compulsory.
Now in compulsory you got 6 subjects.
English comprehension worth 100 marks.
English essay. 100 marks.
Islamiat 100 marks.
General knowledge 100 marks.
Current affairs 100 marks.
Pakistan affairs. 100 marks.

I,ll start with pakistan affairs.

Trek to pakistan by Ahmad sawed

And struggle for Pakistan by IH qureshi.
On current events and general knowledge well for current it's news and self digging for news and for general knowledge and everyday science, nothing beats internet. Pick out topics and study them in your free time.
Oh thank you so much for the information and guidance. I’m gonna get one of the book mentioned above.
And gooooddddd luck.
I am sure, you will do great. In Sha Allah
@saiyan0321 Salam. How are you?
Ok so I got the book you suggested “Struggle for Pakistan” by IHQ.
I really like it so far.
Thank you for recommending it.
Ok I also have a question. What are some best tips to take notes for CSS? I think it would be different than taking notes in school level or college level. Since, you know what are the requirements and what part need the most focus.
And if you don’t mind can you share your notes with me?

Thanks! :)
Well I am glad you like the book.

First. Yes note taking is a bit different. The thing is the exam is structured in such a way that you can't study books during or even a week before the exam. So you need notes and keys. Notes need to be simply summary of topics. Nothing extensive. Just things that will stick or are important to topic.
Just need to fill them with important information.
Secondly. I wouldn't mind at all however as I mentioned before my preparation hasn't been much thus my notes are basically keys. The pure notes I would make would be after Feb and I would share them then.
For example yesterday I was doing sustainable development for environment. Now notes would require more detail on its impacts but I wrote keys to cover it and remember it before exam. You have loads of time.
Have you downloaded the syllabus. Checked out the subjects? I would suggest make a few notes or keys.
First of all, apologize for replying very late. And no I have not downloaded the syllabus. I gotta do it now.
Secondly, for now, I am just marking a little dot on the book on whatever I think is necessary and might be helpful. And once I’m done reading the book, I’m gonna note down on my notepad. That’s what I’m thinking. I’m not much sure, if it is a good way to start.
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