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only limit to words so I can't explain what i mean. But please let me know what you would prefer China to be like in terms of government and social development and everything.
whenever you get some free time. Would be interesting to know your thoughts. Thank you.
First, I am not white. I am a Vietnamese-American. Not only that, I am a survivor of the Vietnam War. As I am 55 yrs old, most likely I am your father's age.

Second, I am a believer in democratic principles and I believe China would be better if you are a democratic country. I am not saying China must be EXACTLY like the US.

I repeat -- I do not say China must be EXACTLY like the US.
But I am saying that China should be less dictatorial than it is today. Where is the multiparty politics? If you insists that the Chinese people are not so single minded, then there should be alternate political opinions for the Chinese people to chose.
A wealthy and prosperous China does not mean a challenge to the US. Canada and Europe are not US enemies, and they are wealthy countries.
Thanks for your comments Gambit.

Yes it does seem like the typical Russian and Chinese sayings like if we join the US we will become their slaves is not true because Japan also join US side after second world war and they become developed, rich, stable, and pretty fantastic country. Also quite peaceful too. But greedy leaders don't want to lose power so that is impossible. Chinese leaders also control media...
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